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Leading member of Abnaa elBalad sentenced to 10 years of Israeli prison

24. February 2005

Comrade Hussam Kana`aneh, a CC member of Abnaa elBalad Movement was sentenced to ten years of imprisonment and four years of suspended prison term

On Tuesday 22.2.05, comrade Hussam Kana`aneh, member Abnaa elBalad Central Committee was sentenced in the Haifa District Court to ten years imprisonment and four additional years of suspended prison term, after he was accused of “security” charges among them “contact with a foreign agent”, “supporting a terrorist organization” and “assisting the enemy during wartime”.

In the charge sheet it was claimed that he passed electric devices from Jordan to Jenin, after he was asked to do so by Ibrahim Ajwa, a Fatah (intifada) member. The devices, it was claimed, were then transferred to Annas Abed ElAziz, an activist of the PFLP. The prosecution claimed also that inside the devices were hided computer`s files, containing instructions and pictures for the production of explosives (!!). The prosecutors added that even that Hussam was not aware of the contents of the devices, he “knew that passing those electric devices will harm Israel` security” (??)

We, in Abnaa El Balad movement, strongly condemn the Court decisions and see in them a great injustice, specially at the time of so-called “efforts to reach an agreement” including the release of Palestinian POW`s from the Israeli occupation prisons. We consider the Court sentence a continuation of the repression and persecutions against our movement and against all the Arab masses and their leadership inside the 1948 territories. Abnaa El Balad will check with our lawyers the legal implications of this case as well as the possibility of appealing to such an unjust verdict.

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