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Program of the oberserver delegation for Sandra Bakutz

27. March 2005


12:00 : Lunch in the building of Temel Haklar dernegi (association for basic rights) Ankara

13:00-13:30: information about the trial of Sandra

15:00-18:00 Common meeting with KESK (trade-union), DISK (trade-union), TMOB(Chamber of the architects and engineers Turkey) ,TTB (Medical council Turkey), CHD (association of the contemporary judges) and Mazlum-Der (human right organization)

18:00: Genclik dernegi (Youth association). The youth will depict their obstacles in the fight for democracy, human rights and right of co-determination in the universities. Afterward littleness to eat and tea or coffee

19:00-20:00 Visit of the TAYAD families in Abdi-Ipekci parc


10:45 Trial of Sandra Bakutz
Afterwards a press release in fromt of the court room.

12:30-13:30 There will be a commemoration in the grave of Mahir Cayan. The guests are free to join if they like to.

Evening: In the case Sandra will be released a celebration in Temel Haklar.
