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China to train collaborators for the US in Iraq

9. April 2005

Sliding towards the acceptance of the status quo

“Renmin Ribao”, April 1, 2005

20 Iraqi diplomats arrive in Beijing for related training

Twenty Iraqi diplomats will arrive at the Beijing Capital International
Airport at noontime today, and will begin to receive a 30-day diplomatic
courses training from tomorrow at China Foreign Affairs University.
Iraqi ambassador to China said during an interview with the press that
this is the first time postwar Iraq sent diplomats abroad for training.
On December 14, 2004, Chinese Ambassador Yang Honglin to Iraq, and
president of the Iraqi Foreign Affairs Institute signed on behalf of
their respective governments the exchange of notes on China training
diplomats for Iraq. According to the aforesaid notes, the Chinese
government will provide 1.5 million yuan worth of gratis aid for a
month-long training of 20 diplomats sent by the Iraqi Interim
Government. The training contents mainly include international
relations, lectures on diplomatic knowledge, visits and investigation tours.

The same paper announced the step already on December 17, 2004 (chinese)
