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Yesterday against Nazi occupation, today against participation in the occupation of Iraq

11. April 2005

Norwegian Free Iraq Committee

9th of April 50 people gathered in Oslo to commemorate the two-year
anniversary of the seizure of Baghdad and the yearly anniversary of
the Nazi occupation of Norway.

“What unites Iraq and WWII is the lies”, said more than 90-year old
war veteran Roald Halvorsen, who was a part of the communist
resistance in Norway against the German occupation. The war hero
addressed the public in a strong speech, explaining how the bourgeois
and the reactionaries always will try to portray resistance against
fascism in lies, as happened in Norway as well as in Iraq today.

Further the seminar was addressed by Jon Børge Hansen from The United
Nations Association of Norway (UNA Norway) who explained why the
resistance in Iraq is a legitimate resistance and how the security
council is violating international law in its support of the
Anglo-American occupation. Also Børge Hanssen compared todays
situation in Iraq and the “Iraqi government” with the Vichy regime in
France during WWII.

Also the Free Iraq committee held its first annual general meeting in Oslo.

It was decided to mobilize against the NATO-summit in à…re, Sweden. The
aim is to bring the voice of the resistance there. This occasion is
important to signal the support of the Iraqi resistance, also in
Scandinavia, and Sweden, a country which hosts a number of Free Iraq

Further it was decided to extend the committee`s collection of funds
also to include “nida al-watan” (the voice of the homeland), paper of
the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance.

Komiteà©n for et fritt Irak
The Norwegian Free Iraq Committee
