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Out of the Empire! The Brigands´ Festival

28. April 2005

14-17 July, 2005, Piombino, Italy

Parco della Pinetina
Riotorto di Piombino (LI), Italy

While protest seems to be withdrawing back into its shell, those wielding power and bursting with arrogance remain. The US imperialists, with the blessing of their European allies and the other capitalist powers, remain in Iraq although the popular Resistance is striking them hard. They remain in Afghanistan despite the fact that vast zones are under the control of the guerrilla. They keep besieging occupied Palestine, Cuba and Bolivarian Venezuela. They remain in Italy forcing us under their yoke through their military bases and their bipartisan puppet politicians. They intend to take steps against the Colombian revolution and any nation refusing to subordinate to them. They want to imprison us in their Guantanamo Empire.

But just as they remain, we can RESIST, disobey, fight. We do not struggle for a day or a season: it is a lifelong struggle which has to be conducted forever. When the dignity of the oppressed, the liberty of the disinherited and wretched, the destiny of humanity is at stake, we might be obliged to a withdrawal but not to compromise.

If you feel – like the Che – every blow suffered by the weakest, you cannot remain inert. One must revolt. Do it! The revolutionary struggle is no luxury but a necessity.

For further information:

Thursday, July 14
5,30 pm: Afghanistan – the ongoing liberation struggle with a representative of the “Left Radicals of Afghanistan” (LRA) from Jalalabad
10 pm: Concert of the songwriter Sergio Starace and the band “Crasi”

Friday, July 15
5,30 pm: Europe – US protectorate or challenge to the American Empire? With Jean-Pierre Page, former leader of the international department of the main French union CGT
10 pm: The other theatre – four hours in Shatila with Nicola Pannelli and Carlo Orlando by Nicola Pannelli

Saturday, July 16
10,30 am: Meeting of the Committees Free Iraq Italy
5,30 pm: The Iraqi Resistance is calling – what does the European left respond? With Awni al Kalemji of the “Iraqi Patriotic Alliance” and Jean-Pierre Page of the “First Int´l Conference for the Support of the Resistance of the Iraqi People”

10 pm: Concert of “Oscure”, “Forsaken Skies” and “Assalti Frontali”

Sunday, July 17
5,30 pm: Within the crisis of Western modernity – revolutionary activism and rebirth of the religious creed with Moreno Pasquinelli
10 pm: Concert of the Lebanese singers Mofid Nehme and Fuad Saleh

Prices and Inscription

Camping “di Riotorto” (Piombino – LI)

The prices were negotiated with the camping and are valid only for then participants of the “Brigand´s Festival” scheduled from 14 to 17 July 2005. Reservation has to be done until 30 June.

Per person …€ 7,20 / day plus …€ 11,70 for the place of the tent to be shared by those sleeping in one tent.

Camper with 4 beds
…€ 49,50 to be shared by those occupying the camper as well as …€ 15 for the final cleaning also to be shared.

Apartments with 2 double beds in separated rooms
Room with double bed: 25 euro per night and person
Room with double bed for only one person: 45 euro per night
Discount for groups of for who remain for nights: 90 euro per night

Double room
37 euro per person and night with discount for those who stay 3 night (215 euro)

Send an email to specifying:

1) name, surname, address, place and date of birth and number of the ID of all persons
2) telephone number of the person responsible for group reserving a tent or camper
3) choice between tent or camper
4) day of arrival and departure

Until June 30 an advance of 30% of the total amount must be made payable to an account which will be announced soon.
