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Demolition of Arab houses in Haifa

31. May 2005

call for protest action

Statement of The popular committee against the demolition of the Arab houses in Haifa
Call for an urgent meeting and rally to protest the demolition of Arab house in Haifa

Please raise hell and email or fax your letters to the city council of Haifa NOW

Once again Haifa city council targets the Arab-populated neighborhoods in Haifa and issue another administrative order to demolish, this time the house owned by the Bushkar family located at the eastern entrance to the city of Haifa .

The Haifa city council has failed once again to commit and adhere to the previously agreed upon mutual understanding between the city council and the owners of the house subject for demolition backed up by the various popular committees, neighborhood council and the Arab kenesset members according which the Haifa city council commits to allow the residents to exhaust all means at their disposal to resolve this complicated matter and offer reasonable alternative to the unjust and inhumane demolition order issued by the authorities.

Last night and as a result, a popular committee was formed following a meeting that the various concerned popular, residential, political parties and Arab Kenesset members called for to protest such unfair and inhumane act, rally for the halt and cancellation of such order and to defend the Arab-owned houses against any future house demolition.

This very act by the city council of Haifa refusing any reasonable and humane settlement is a direct indication that the city council and the Mayor of Haifa insist on negating and alienating all previous arrangements and promises made to prevent demolition of houses owned and occupied by Arab residents of Haifa.

Such inhumane and shameful decision comes at a time when the Mayor of Haifa is touring various Canadian cities collecting donations from Arab and Palestinian Canadians to support the so called “Arab-Jewish coexistence” in Haifa. We, therefore, hold the city council of Haifa and its Mayor responsible for such decision and for all consequences that might come about and call upon all the masses in Haifa and progressive forces to protest this demolition order and join hand in hand forming a human shield to protect the house residents and together prevent another house demolition which would result in another human disaster turning an innocent family to homeless and defenseless.

We call upon all the masses in Haifa to participate in the upcoming popular gathering scheduled for 7 pm Tuesday the 31st of May 2005 (31/5/2005) at the house subject for demolition located at 51 Bar Yehuda Street in Haifa.

Furthermore we call upon all people of conscious here and abroad to email or fax (preferable) the Mayor of Haifa at the addresses shown below, demanding the city of Haifa to immediately back off from the demolition order they have already issued and allow the Boushkar family to continue residing in the house they own.

Fax of Mr. Yona Yahav, Mayor of Haifa: (972)04-8356020
Email in English:
