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Solidarity to Anti-imperialist Camp from Turkey

9. August 2005

Statement of the Turkish section of the ILPS

International League of Peoples` Struggle

Statement of solidarity to Anti-Imperialist camp!

For a long time imperialist aggression led by US imperialism has been growing. In Europe under the mask of “democracy” the EU is making its anti-terror laws. Recently the Italian government has been attacking the anti-imperialist camp and made some operations and even took some bank accounts from them. The reason is very simple, there is going to be a conference on Iraq in October in Rome and the Italian government and other imperialist states want to prevent mass support for this conference. They try to show the forces that give support to the resistance in Iraq as “terrorists” and claim that their activists are members of illegal organizations.

The anti-imperialist camp also has launched the “10 Euro campaign” in which they sharply criticise the Berlusconi government and the Italian state for supporting the Iraqi occupation. Many people have openly declared their support for the resistance of the Iraqi people. From that point on the camp has always been under attack and is considered a “terrorist-coordination”. Recently, 44 US senators wrote a letter to the Italian government demanding that the activities of Campo Anti-Imperialista should be blockaded because they are supporters of international terrorism . they are saying this because, they realise that the Iraqi resistance has attracted a growing revolutionary support from all over the world and is also now affecting Europe. Campo anti-imperialista is one of the well known anti-imperialist-revolutionary organizations in Europe.

It first started on the 1st July, when the official web-site of campo anti-imperialista was shut down by the authorities in the US. Then an operation was made and the bank accounts of the camp were seized. The attack toward CAI is not separate from the preparations for the International Solidarity conference for the Iraqi People, which will be held on October 1-2, 2005. There will be many delegates from Iraq and the Middle East. The main issue of the conference is going to be the resistance in Iraq. They now want to ban the conference by saying that the conference is organized by “International Financial supporters of terrorism”.

We as ILPS Turkey want to declare our deepest international solidarity to Campo Anti-imperialista. Until today CAI has been in solidarity with the people in Iraq and fought against the invasion and occupation of Iraq by US Imperialism. We condemn the attacks by the Italian state against democratic and popular forces and the US imperialism that want to pervend the activities of CAI. We call-upon all democratic-anti-imperialist and revolutionary mass organizations and those that say´ enough to the occupation in Iraq, To take a stand and protest against this unjustified practice. This is an attack against all of us.

Down with imperialism and all reactionaries!
Long Live international solidarity!
Victory against imperialism belongs to the people!

9 August, 2005

ILPS Turkey-section
Fax-phone: 0090 212 534 43 08
Web site:
Istanbul -Turkey
