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Iraqi Resistance supporters take roots in Europe

11. October 2005

Success of the intl gathering in Rome, Oct 2

The hall was full with some 300 participants, many people had to stand listening for more then 6 hours to numerous interventions without a break.

The anger and protest against the negation of the visas was big. The fact that those who had been tortured are also banned to speak out pushed people ahead to take action not only in support of the Iraqi liberation struggle but also for the democratic rights in Europe.

The fact that the secretary of the National Secretary of the Union of Islamic Communities did not dare to come because of intimidations – sending his fraternal anti-imperialist greetings to the assembly – demonstrated how much the democratic rights are endangers today by the anti-Muslim and anti-terrorist witch hunt.

The gathering marks three steps ahead opening a new stage of our struggle in support of the Iraqi people’s freedom:

1) The strong conviction to carry on, to strengthen and intensify our efforts, the understanding that we are amidst a historic struggle could not only be heard from the podium but also by the participants, in the lively discussions on the streets outside the hall.

2) The bridge which could be constructed to parts of the anti-war movement including the Christian sector. While only one year ago their radical wings gave only conditioned support to the Resistance, expressed as well in the reluctance to co-operate with us, now joined our position of unconditional support and lends us solidarity against the attempted repression. The rumours about the “friends of terrorists” have been exchanged with the need to commonly defend the right of free expression.

3) The grown international unity express by delegations from some 15 countries: We can say that the network of supporters of the Iraqi Resistance as been consolidated and is able to take common action throughout Europe.

All this is being expressed in the programme of activities worked out by the meeting of the international delegations and adopted by the assembly.

Free Iraq Committees Italy
