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French Banlieu youth has all right to revolt

6. November 2005

The last ten days were marked by a powerful spontaneous revolt of the oppressed and poor youth in the suburbs, most of them of migrant origin.

Despite ferocious repression their could not be stopped so far. On the contrary it keeps spreading.

While Interior minister Sarkozy tries to drown the ghettos of the poor in blood according to the experience of his US masters, also the “left liberal” press is denouncing the revolt and crying about the burnt cars of modest people. They advice to use the sacred means of French republicanism that is to say to cast their ballots for the official left.

But the outburst of popular anger is exactly an expression that the poor migrant youth has no perspective within neo-liberal capitalism let alone can defend their interests by the middle class census democracy.

After the NO to the EU constitution the popular revolt is the second heavy blow dealt to the French capitalist elites and their middle call backing.

The remaining antagonist and anti-imperialist forces in France must turn around, support the revolt and push it towards politicisation. But neither the promising victory of the NO produced a political alternative. Therefore a decisive break with French republicanism (which included militant laicism) is necessary.

The Muslim identity must be supported against the imperialist state that means first of all to defend the emblematic right of the girls to wear the veil in school. On the base of the revolt as well as of the victory in the referendum a new antagonist political movement should be built continuing the struggle against economic liberalism and imperialist drive on the side of the US (like recently on the blackmail against Syria) even if it is in the name of enlightenment and not of protestant fundamentalism.

As an immediate step a demonstration in support of the riot and for the demission of the butcher Sarkozy would be necessary.

Actually the French revolt is nothing else than the continuation of the anti-imperialist resistance of the oppressed people transferred into the imperialist centres.
