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Haj Ali refused visa also by Austria

12. November 2005

letter to the Italian and Austrian people

To the Italian and Austrian people
From the
wounds of the land between the two rivers
nation that calls, fight for dignity and freedom
victims of Iraq — women, babies, olds and youths.

I wish I would have been given a visa of entering Italy and Austria, but they did not allow me to have it. It causes me pain adding to the psychological and physical pain I had from having been in Abu Ghraib. Apparently it is part of the democracy they want to bring to us that to the one who defends his dignity, home and honour is refused the word.

My heart is full of peace and love, even though they did not give me the chance to come to your countries where I could have expressed my thoughts as I became a handicapped because of torture by the hands of the American occupying forces.

Tens of thousands of victims of the American prisons in occupied Iraq are speaking to your conscience. All of you know what has been happening in these prisons as well as in the ones run by the militias of some parties which are in office now. But this is just a little of the ugliness committed in the name of humanity and religion.

For those in prison who face different kinds of torturing, humiliation and insult being detained becomes a school for resistance as a reaction to their suffering.

On the occasion of the Iraqi president’s visit to your countries, we would like you to address your people, parliament, government, organizations, parties and political movements in the name of Iraqi victims: Talabani should immediately release all the arrested and detainees in the US occupation prisons and also in the prisons of those militias of some parties working in the government. We ask you to remind him of the solidarity the peoples in the world lent to the Kurdish people.

The biggest proof that I forgave that I was refused visa is that I am asking your people to take action in order to stop torture and occupation.

The spirit of revolution is just like a seed that grows in the heart and mind of a human reminding us of great revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara.

You may have all the love, respect and respect.
In the name of freedom and peace for all the people the world

Haj Ali, founder and coordinator
association of the victims of American occupation prisons
registered under the number 1h1050 ngo

November 11, 2005
