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Austria silences Abu Ghraib torture victim

14. November 2005

Protest against denied entry and exultation for occupation

Tuesday, November 15th, 9 a.m., Michaelerplatz (Vienna, Austria)
Public reading of Haj Ali’s letter

“Tens of thousands of victims of the American prisons in occupied Iraq are speaking to your conscience. All of you know what has been happening in these prisons as well as in the ones run by the militias of some parties which are in office now. On the occasion of the Iraqi president’s visit to Austria, we would like you to address your people, parliament, government, organizations, parties and political movements in the name of Iraqi victims: Talabani should immediately release all the political prisoners.”

Haj Ali is the hooded man with electrodes attached to his hands, the man from the image that shook the world. Today, he lives in exile in Amman and works with a prisoners’ association to inform the world about what is going on in US prisons in Iraq.

But in the EU, the truth as seen through the eyes of the victims, is not wanted. First, his application for a visa was rejected by Italy, now by Austria. The latter application had been made by a media company producing for the ORF, Austria’s state television. The anticipatory obedience to the Big Brother seems to be so important, that the Austrian government abandons the obligation to prevent torture stipulated in the Geneva Convention and other documents of international law.

At the same time, the minister of foreign affairs invites puppets installed by US-led wars such as Talabani and Karzai, who are presented with the opportunity to rant in seminars with titles such as “Islam in a Pluralistic World” about how successful exporting democracy by means of phosphorus incendiary bombs—to Washington’s delight.

Our protest might not succeed in changing the compliancy of the Austrian authorities, but nobody shall be able—once again—that they had not known about the crimes.

Close all Guantanamos and Abu Ghraibs!
Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan: End the occupation!
No to the submission to the US empire!

Anti-imperialist Camp
Arab Palestine Club
Free Iraq Committee
