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CPs declare support to collaborationist Iraqi CP

12. December 2005

By Carsten Kofoed, Danish Committee for a Free Iraq

�Communist� parties declare their support for the treacherous Iraqi Communist Party

Chairman of the Iraqi Communist Party, Hamid Majid Mousa, enjoying the company of US administrator of Iraq, Paul Bremer

In Athens, the annual international meeting of so-called Communist and Workers� parties was held November 18-20. Seventy-three parties participated in the event hosted by the Communist Party of Greece, one of the major and leading parties of the former pro-Soviet current in the Communist movement.

A resolution on Iraq was adopted, which declares full support for the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP). The resolution states:

�� we are now supporting the complex struggle of the progressive forces, and in particular the fraternal Iraqi Communist Party, to repulse occupation, stop bloodshed and terror, to end bombing of public buildings, oil installations and electric, distribution network, and to build a free, democratic, united and sovereign Iraq.� (1)

As most people will know by now, the ICP does not support an immediate � �immediate� is the key word here � end to the occupation of Iraq and gives the same reasons for not doing so as do the occupiers: There will be a civil war in Iraq. The Iraqi security forces are not strong enough yet. Therefore, the Iraqi people need the multinational forces to ensure security in the country.

What this �security� means, we have seen in Fallujah and Abu Ghraib. It is fascism.

Going a bit back in time, the ICP was appointed by the US imperialist occupiers to the Governing Council in July 2003 and served here until the �transfer of sovereignty� in June 2004. From June 2004 to April 2005, the party participated in the puppet regime lead by the open CIA agent Iyad Allawi. It participated in the illegal sham elections in January 2005. The ICP agitated for a yes in the referendum on the US-Zionist made �Constitution�, and now these CIA �Communists� are promoting another election farce under the brutal imperialist occupation. The party is part of the Iraqi National List, an electoral coalition headed by Iyad Allawi, who just like the ICP was a part of the puppet regime, which supported the chemical onslaught on Fallujah in November 2004. In short, the ICP has been collaborating openly and in every possible way with the occupying power, from supporting the US-imposed �political process� to spying on the resistance and its supporters and being part of the puppet police and security forces. This 100 percent collaboration is the sole reason why the Iraqi resistance has been attacking the ICP. Most recently, on December 1, two ICP members were killed in Al-Sadr City in Baghdad as they were promoting the upcoming US-controlled election farce on December 15.

Failing to mention anything about the atrocities of the occupation forces, of the US imperialist superpower and its Iraqi lackeys, who are the real terrorists in Iraq, the �Communist� resolution on Iraq calls for �an immediate halt to all terrorist and murderous acts of killing of ordinary people and bombing of civilian targets by murderous gangs of Saddam supporters and fundamentalist forces.�

While the parties call for an immediate halt to all armed resistance, which is the political translation of the quotation above, there is no call for an �immediate� end to the occupation. The resolution could easily be signed by the US and the other occupiers. Thirty of the seventy-three parties present at the meeting signed the disgraceful resolution, which most likely was formulated and for sure accepted by the CIA on behalf of the ICP. It should be recalled that all the ICP leaders, including Chairman Hamid Majid Mousa, are residing inside the head quarters of the occupying power, the Green Zone in Baghdad. He and the other Iraqi �Communist� leaders are being protected by the US military and the CIA. Obviously, the signing parties cannot, even after more than two years of the ICP�s open collaboration with the US occupiers, distinguish Communists from traitors serving US imperialism and betraying their own people. These parties support the occupation of Iraq, as long as they are backing the treacherous ICP, and what they understand by international solidarity has nothing to do with principles. It is a mafia-like relationship with their Iraqi friends from the days of the Soviet Union, whose Communist character cannot be disputed even when they are literally in bed with the US imperialists and supporting an illegal occupation of their own country.

Interestingly, the �Communist� parties in the two biggest aggressor countries, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) and the Communist Party of Britain (CPB), which both signed the resolution supporting the ICP, have been the most ardent supporters of the ICP, while at the same time working in the anti-war movement. This also holds for the Communist Party in Denmark (KPiD). The big and quite influential Communist Party of Greece did not sign the resolution, but giving collaborators like the ICP access to the conference is support in itself, as it legitimizes the policies of the ICP, and will be used by the ICP against the Iraqi people and its struggle for freedom and independence. The ICP should be isolated rather than embraced and given a platform for international �Communist� approval of its open collaboration and treachery. In Iraq, Communism is being immensely discredited due to the actions of the ICP. A big number of its fraternal parties are helping with this anti-Communist work instead of breaking off relations with these Iraqi traitors, a step which was recently taken by the Communist Party of Spain, which then established relations with the declared Communist party, the People�s Union, lead by Yousef Hamdan, who broke with the ICP in the 1990s. This Iraqi party supports the armed resistance.

�Communists� in the anti-war movement

In the anti-war movement, all these dubious �Communist� forces cannot do much about the demand for an immediate end to the occupation. It has become a popular and irreversible demand, but they are trying to weaken this demand and above all hinder an anti-imperialist development of the movement, an increased understanding of the Iraqi resistance, its nature and goals, and the political need for full solidarity with the Iraqi resistance, which is being supported by the majority of Iraqis and defeating the biggest enemy of mankind, of the working class, of Communists and progressives of all kinds and of peace: US imperialism.

This pro-imperialist work is being done in two ways by the armchair �revolutionaries�: by fiercely attacking the armed resistance, branding it as �terrorism� and �Islamic fundamentalism�, all this chauvinist and outright racist rubbish, which is just a cheap and lousy echo of the imperialist propaganda, and by inventing a new kind of �resistance�, a so-called �progressive resistance�, which does not exist on the ground in Iraq and therefore have no impact on the course of the occupation. This �progressive resistance� is being called �political resistance�, as is the case with the ICP, �trade union resistance�, etc. In reality, all these forms are nothing but �leftist�, �democratic� collaboration serving the occupation. They are being performed by Iraqi organisations that are operating with the full accept of the occupying power. In the West, these forms of �resistance� are being sold especially by Westernized Iraqi intellectuals, also by some Iraqis who are claiming opposition to the ICP, to the occupation, to be �leftist democrats� and many other things except anti-imperialists, within the anti-war movement.

Therefore, it must be stressed once again: It is the armed resistance, nobody else, which has caused all the difficulties for the imperialist invaders and occupiers, and only the further strengthening and more military victories of this legitimate popular resistance can bring the illegal, bloody and imperialist occupation of Iraq to an end.

Genuine Communists support wholeheartedly the Iraqi people and its armed resistance struggling for national liberation and wish for its complete victory over US imperialism and its Iraqi stooges like Bush and Blair�s �Communists� in the ICP.
