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Boycott of Israeli goods on the rise in Norway

6. January 2006

by Lars Akerhaug, International Officer, Red Electoral Alliance
The campaign for Boycott of Israeli Goods reaches new heights in Norway. 15.12.05 the Regional municipality of Sør-Trøndelag, in the mid-north of Norway, decided to boycott Israeli goods. The decision reads “boycott goods from Israel”. The decision reads:

“Now an international campaign is being set forth to boycott Israel. The Apartheid in South Africa was condemned by a whole world and this helped it come to an end. The Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and Golan has been condemned in the UN. In addition, the settlements on occupied territories are a violation against international court. The construction of the wall has been sentenced as illegal by the international court in Haag and the refugees are still waiting to return.

Sør-Trøndelag was the first municipality to boycott South Africa – and according to a good tradition the regional municipality council now decides as the first in the country to boycott Israeli goods, both our own imports and as a stand we campaign for, and we encourage the population to do the same thing.” The decision was made after a proposal from RV, the Red Electoral Alliance, and supported from the Socialist Left Party (SV), the Labour Party and independents from the Centre Party (SP) and the Progress Party (FRP). A pro-zionist institution, the Simon Wiesenthal centre, said the boycott constitutes a “continuation of Norway’s collaborationist history under its own Nazi leader, Vidkun Quisling, and is in violation of the freedom of commerce provisions of the European Union and the World Trade Organization.” They also called for purgin the party in the Norwegian government supporting this position, urging the Norwegian Prime Minister “not only to condemn this outrage, but to expunge the racists in the ranks of his own government by expelling them and their sympathizers.”

This has in fact also been followed by massive media attention directed against the Socialist Left Party. Kristin Halvorsen, 45, has led the Socialist Left party since 1997 Norway’s Finance Minister Kristin Halvorsen is backing a planned consumer boycott of Israeli goods, contradicting the coalition government’s policy. Ms Halvorsen voiced support for a campaign of solidarity with the Palestinians, due to be launched by her Socialist Left party this month.

“It is a long time since I bought any Israeli products,” she told Norway’s Dagbladet newspaper. The Party joined the national coalition to boycott Israeli goods in 2002.

This last statement today made the Israeli embassy in Norway state that “Her encouragement of a boycott of the state of Israel is a detachment from the traditionally friendly relations between Norway and Israel. We expect the Norwegian government, who are responsible for the Norwegian monarchy’s foreign policies to do what is necessary to correct the situation caused by one of the government members, the Israeli ambassador said in a statement to the press.

She continued saying that “this could cause a diplomatical crisis between Israel and Norway if it becomes an official policy, the embassador Miryam Shomrat was quoted saying to TV2 earlier this day.

The Foreign minister Jonas Gahr Støre have made clear that this is not Norwegian foreign policy. There are no reasons to expect that this will create any real break with the Israeli state. However, the recent developments give a clear signal of the progressive pro-palestinian opinion in Norway. As well it shows how the continued brutality and occupation atrocities make people increasingly turn away from the policies of Israel as well as to realize that the continued “dialogue” with a state that is built on the exclusion of another people is impossible.

Zionist groups are now lobbying with all their resources against the decision of the regional municipality of Trondheim, and a campaign against the Socialist Left Party chair should be expected as well. People should write letters in support of the regional municipality’s decision, directed to the group leaders of the party, to ask them not to bend to pressure for turning away from their principled support of the Palestinian people:
Olav Huseby, Labour Party,
Heidi Klokkervold, the Red Electoral Alliance,
Ola Huke, Socialist Left Party,
As well people should encourage the stand of the Financial Minister and Socialist Left Party leader Kristin Halvorsen by writing to this address
Financial Minister Kristin Halvorsen,
A proposed text could be:


“Dear Madam/Sir
I write to encourage your courageous stand against the Israeli occupation and for the historical rights of the Palestinian people, including their right to return.

As long as the Israeli state continues its violations and does not acknowledge the basic rights of the Palestinian people they will have to be faced with reactions. From the middle of the 90s we have witnessed how Israel have abused negotiations to expand the illegal settlements, confiscate more land, refuse the refugees their right to return and withdraw more resources from occupied territories, everything a violation against international law. This does not create peace. There will be no change in Israeli policies without international pressure. To support the rights of the Palestinian people and a solution to the conflict, sanctions against Israel is a necessity.

Yours sincerely
