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Defend the Democratic Rights Of Workers and Peasants in Haiti

21. February 2006

London picket on Feb 24 at the U.S. embassy
No to US sponsored Occupation

The Uhuru Movement is calling on all supporters of democracy and self-determination to attend a demonstration at the U.S Embassy, demanding that the U.S, French, and other Colonialist governments stop interfering in the affairs of the people of Haiti!

On February 28th 2004, in the Bicentennial of Haiti’s heroic independence, and in violation of international laws, U.S and French troops kidnapped the democratically elected president Jean Betrand Aristide and implemented their own repressive regime, reminiscent of the days of Papa and Baby Doc.

The people of Haiti have not recognised this illegitamite government and have stood behind their own independent leadership. Their leaders have been subjected to imprisonment, torture, and other cruelties. Recently, the people of Haiti excercised their right to choose their own leadership, and again the United States and their puppets have engaged in sabotage of the electoral process in an effort to rob the workers and peasants of their choice of leadership.

U.S government hands off Haiti!
Join the picket outside the U.S embassy
(click here for leaflet )

Friday 24th February
24 Grosvenor Square, London W1A 1AE
Nearest tube: Bond street

Call 020 8265 1731/ 07958495334 for anymore information
