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Continuation of collective extermination in Falluja

26. February 2006

by Muhamad T. Al-Deraji

The American troops have been detaining 35 Iraqi women for three days in a house in Al-Halabsa region. Citizens of Falluja became used to this kind of acts as this has been a common phenomenon during the last three months which resulted in holding the meetings of Falluja governor with the Americans, and the late sheikh Kamal Nazzal Al-Takreeti had submitted a complaint to the United Nations delegation who visited Falluja a month ago. Moreover, the Higher Council of Falluja suspended its meetings with its American counter.

The staff of our network met a small sample whom were subject to American violations during the last days whom one of them was Khaled Mohammad Al-Halbousi (50 years) who works as ambulance driver for a hospital in Falluja. He confirmed that the American forces surrounded Al-Halabsa region that is located 5km west Falluja three days ago. Women were taken to a house and were deprived from food and other needs, and arrested tens of men in the region. This act became a usual phenomenon performed by the American troops as mentioned earlier, as they break into houses after dawn and detain the whole family in one room of the house.

Faris Al-Esawi (33 years), a citizen living in Nazzal Avenue mid Falluja, he confirmed that around 25 American soldiers from the marines broke into his house in a barbarian manner while yelling. They entered the house after Al-Fajr prayer on 23rd January 2006. We were all detained in one room of the house then closed the door. We were 11 persons; my wife and I, my 2 daughters, my parents, and my brothers and their wives. We were not allowed to leave the room, however, after continuously requesting to go to rest rooms we were finally allowed to. They took our mobile phones and we were not allowed to pray. They left our house in the evening after two days. We afterwards checked our house and found that our mattresses were shredded, our money we got from the Americans as compensation for destroying our house in the 2nd Falluja battle was also stolen, and our mobile phones were confiscated.

Our network staff stayed in Nazzal Avenue to search other similar cases. They did not go far to find the neighbor whom was subject to this violation. He took the staff to his house wanting to tell his tragic story when they asked him about the American marines methodology of choosing the houses and breaking into them; whether is it random or systematic, and if they belonged to terrorists or not. Mustafa Karim Al-Abdali (55 years) answered that the American forces chooses 20 houses randomly on daily basis and from every Avenue. Other questions were asked by the staff and the following conversation took place:

Q. Why do you think this action is being performed by the marines?

A. Around 3.00 am, we heard knocking on the house internal door, one of my children (Ayman) went to open when he saw American soldiers whom started to push him and yell at him, then forced us to sit on the floor for an hour and a half. They searched each room in the house then took me and all my family members (5) to a room. We stayed there and were forbidden from preparing food or using the phone, or even leaving the room unless we need to use the rest room, where everyone was allowed to go only once. We used to hear them singing and shouting all night long. They left the house the next morning, and as per confirmed by my neighbor, our money was stolen and the house was defiled. For our amazement when my son asked them about the reason for their action, a soldier kept silent and turned on the electric fan and did not allow us to turn it off until electiricity was cut off in the whole region. We afterwards found our house in chaos and most mattresses were shredded. I met Mr. Dhari Al-Zouba’i – Falluja governor and he told me that they put all their efforts to stop this American slight in Falluja, as the Higher Council for the city stopped their work with the Americans and that they submitted complaints and letters to condemn these actions to the American Administration. They also arranged for a civil strike in all public administrations in the city for three days to be used as a pressure tool on the Americans. We also hanged signs on the buildings that condemn this action and slight with the humanity of the Iraqi citizen. Moreover, the late sheikh Kamal Nazzal Al-Takreeti had submitted a complaint to the United Nations on this regard.

Mohammad Al-A’ni (37 years) who is a car technician living in the Al-Dubbat Al-Oula Avenue said: “the American troops entered my house after 3.30am after breaking the external door and detained me and my family (my wife, my daughter Mariam, and my son Issa) in one room and we were not allowed to leave the room except if we have a necessary need. They left the second day. We found our house wrecked and in chaos.

Another citizen (44 years) who lives in Al-Jumhooreyya Avenue in Falluja said that the Americans entered his house in dawn and forced everyone to leave the house and kept his family in the garden all day long, where they assigned 2 soldiers working on shifts to watch them. He said: “It was a painful and difficult day as it was very cold resulting in sickness for one of my children and was screaming all day while the American soldier was laughing and relaxed”. They stayed in the house around 48 hours.

These are just sample cases that reflect the American crimes in Falluja and Iraq which make us think of other inhuman crimes that are taking place but not being disclosed. It makes us wonder of the effect of human rights protocols and laws and the international community that pretend supporting Iraq and its citizens. We think of the role of the United Nations General Secretary and the Higher Commissioner of Human Rights as well as the European Union and the Security Council.

Muhamad T. Al-Deraji
Director of Monitoring Net of Human Rights in Iraq( MHRI)
Iraq Mobile: 00964 7901615665
Jordan Mobile : 00962 796646877
