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Commemorating a great Indian revolutionary

13. March 2006

Remembering Shaheed Bhagat Singh
Bhagat Singh’s 75th Martyrdom Day Celebration

22, 23 March 2006
Ambedkar Bhawan, Rani Jhansi Road
New Delhi – 110055

“They think by destroying my body they will be safe in the country. This is their misunderstanding. They can kill me, but they cannot kill my ideas. They can smash my body, but they cannot suppress my aspirations. My ideas will haunt the British, like a crush, till they are forced to run away from here.”

This was the firm conviction of Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh, one of the legendry figures of the Indian freedom struggle.

Bhagat Singh, along with Rajguru and Sukhdev, were hanged by the British imperialists on 23rd March, 1931. The brutal killing of these revolutionaries created immense anger among the people of the country in general, and the youths in particular. Hundreds of militant protest demonstrations sprang up spontaneously throughout the country, especially in Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, Karachi along with other cities and towns. During Calcutta protest, violent encounters took place between the British Armed Forces and the people of the city, in which 141 people were killed and 586 injured and 341arrested. Bhagat Singh’s favourite slogan Inquilab Zindabad, Long Live Revolution, started reverberating throughout the country and millions of peasants, workers and youth and students came on the streets rebelling against the tyrannical regime of the British colonialists. These protests culminated into the second phase of Civil Disobedience Movement and later on the Quit-India Movement. And, just after 16 years of the martyrdom of Bhagat Singh and his comrades, the British occupiers had to run away from the country.

But, the ouster of the Britishers was not the only and ultimate goal of Bhagat Singh and his comrades. Their ultimate aim was to march towards a classless society through building socialism. They wanted to end the exploitation of man by man and of a nation by another nation. Their fight was directed not only against the British imperialism, but also against the world imperialist and capitalist system as a whole.

So, Bhagat Singh had warned the Indian people that simply replacing the British rule by the native rule will do no good to the Indian people in general. This prophecy of Bhagat Singh also proved to be correct when we examine the socio-economic and political development of the country since 1947 onward.

The other socio-political issues which, Shaheed Bhagat Singh sought to fight vigorously are mysticism, religious fanaticism and communalism, and casteism. Likewise, he also noted “untouchability” as one of the key problems of Indian society. He severely criticised the brahminical concept of caste hierarchy and oppression of the “achhutes” by the so-called upper-caste. He called upon all the untouchables to unite and organise themselves to challenge the oppressive social system. He regarded them as the “real proletariat” of the country and called upon them to prepare themselves for “social, political and economic revolution.”

We must celebrate the 75th anniversary of the great martyrdom of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev with all enthusiasm and fervour. This is the time to widely propagate their revolutionary ideals to drive out the imperialists and their agents from the seats of power in our society. Let us take the battle forward to liberate our country from the clutches of imperialists and all the reactionary ideas and forces that are hindering the advancement of our society.

Under this prevailing situation of imperialist penetration, exploitation, and eroding sovereignty of the country, and communal suppression and caste oppression, the concepts of Bhagat Singh seem more relevant than ever. One must hold high the banner of “Inquilab Zindabad” in each and every action of the people of our country.

22 March 2006
Ambedkar Bhawan, Rani Jhansi Road
New Delhi-110 055

First Session: 3 P.M.
Inaugural Address: Prof. Jagmohan Singh, from Bhagat Singh’s family
Yuva Samagam – Convergence of Fighting Youth of India
Indian National Movement: What Happened to those Anti-Imperialist Ideals?

What is to be Done?
Discussion Among the Youth Organizations and Individuals.

Second Session: 5 P.M.
Interjection: A Meeting of the People’s Organizations

Third Session: 7 P.M. onwards
Remembering Shaheed Bhagat Singh: Cultural Convergence

23 March

First Session: 9 A.M.
The Role of Shaheed Bhagat Singh and Ram Manohar Lohia in the Indian National Movement.

Second Session: 11 A.M.
Towards A United Anti-Imperialist Movement in India
Aspirations, Reflections, Plans and Perspectives

Lunch: 2 P.M. to 3 P.M.

Third Session: 3 P.M. onwards
Poetry Recitation
Plays, Patriotic Songs and other Cultural Presentaions till Midnight

Gaddar, Revolutionary people’s Singer, Bali Singh Cheema, Virendra Dangwal, Dr. Swaraj Singh Bechain, Disha Natya Manch, Haryana, Nishant Natya Manch, Vikalp Sanskritk Manch, Delhi.

Participating Organisations
(in alphabetical order)

Aazadi Bhachao Andolan
Adivasi Mukti Sanghatan (AMS)
All India Federation of Trade Union (AIFTU)
Bhoomiheen Kisan Sangharsh Samiti, UP
Dalit Jagruti Mission
Disha Natya Manch, Haryana
Gatividhi, Delhi
Hind Majdur Sabha (HMS)
Jan Mukti Morcha, UP
Jan Sangharsh Manch (RDF), Delhi
Janadhikar Suraksha Samiti , Bareily
Kisan Sangharsh Samiti
Maitri Study Circle
Nari Jagruti Manch
Nari Mukti Sangh, Delhi
National Platform of People’s Movements (NAPM)
People’s Front
Poorvanchal Sanskritik Manch, UP
Rastra Nirman Kendra
Rastra Nirman Morcha
Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF)
Samajvadi Janaparishad (SJP)
Samajvadi Vichar Manch
Sarokar, Delhi
Sarvaseva Sangh
Shaheed Bhagat Singh Chetana Manch, Aligarh
Uttarakand Lok Vahini
Vidyarthi Yuvajana Sabha (VYS)
Yuva Bharat

Participating Individuals
Sivakumar Mishra, Freedom fighter
Sawal Ram Bharati, Freedom Fighter
Prof. Jagmohan Singh
Amarnath Bhai
Kuldip Nayar
Braj Mohan Toofan
Dr. Banwarilal Sharma
Surendra Mohan
Medha Patkar
Shamsher Singh Bisht
Dr. B.D. Sharma
Dr. Prem Singh
Gautam Navlakha
Dr. Rakesh Rafiq
G.N. Saibaba
Dr. Tej Singh, Delhi University
Anand Teltumbde, Mumbai
Prof. Bhanudas, Bangalore
Prof. Manoranjan Mohanty
Prof. S.N.H. Jafri
Anand Swaroop Verma
Anil Nauria
Ashok, Aligarh
Anjani, Delhi
Ajit Jha
A. Bhoomaiah, Andhra Pradesh
C P Sharma, BKSS, UP
Dr. Meenakshi Sakhi, UP
Dr. Rizwan Qaizer
Dr. Shamsul Islam
Dr. Sunilam, Madhya Pradesh
Dr. Unus Mohamad
Dvijendra Kaliya
Haribhajan Singh Sidhu
Javed Abdul Wajid, Bareily, UP
Nirmal Sharma
PK Shahi
Prof. Zahoor Siddhiqi
Raghuvir Kapoor
Rakesh Kumar
Sunil, Delhi
Vijay Bhai, Sendhwa

Phones: 9818195227, 9899783603, 9899783615

Note: More organizations and individuals be added here as and when whoever gives their consent and joins this programme.
