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Bangladesh mobilisations against the occupation of Iraq

21. March 2006

On the third anniversary of the US aggression on Iraq people agitated
on the streets in Dhaka, Bangladesh for consecutive 2nd day against the
ongoing occupation in Iraq today.

The participants along with chanting slogans against war crimes committed in Iraq and Afghanistan demanded immediate and unconditional withdrawal of occupying forces from there.

WE THE PEOPLE UNITED (WTPU) Bangladesh, a non-partisan citizens coalition along with Anti-War Movement (AWM) Bangladesh jointly organized the two-day events as part of the Global Days of Action declared by the antiwar activists worldwide.

On the first day of action (March 19) a rally was held in the Muktangon (speakers’ corner) of Dhaka.
Representatives of seven organizations including the sponsor two addressed the rally.

Echoing the call of the International Answer USA speakers from both WTPU and AWM demanded “immediate, complete, and unconditional withdrawal of all occupying forces from Iraq”.

They also reiterated their commitment to opposing the idea of “setting a timetable” as it may be a shrewd trick to linger brutal occupation and use Iraqi soil to impose another war on Iran.

The speakers implicated the popular struggles of Philippines, Haiti and other countries with the Iraqi resistance and demanded immediate unconditional withdrawal of all US as well as allied troops from those countries, trial of each and every crime committed by the occupying troops under international law and conviction of war criminals.
The addressees of the rally expressed solidarity with the Katrina survivors in USA and urged UN to investigate the allegations of gross human right violations in the US state itself.

The participants of the rally gave unequivocal approval to the six points Dhaka Declaration that includes Iran’s right to acquire nuclear technology and use it in any field of national development that deems necessary.

Today afternoon as part of the second day functions WTPU brought out a public rally that paraded the streets of Dhaka from Purana Paltan to Press Club via Bijoy Nagar.
The program ended with burning an effigy of George W. Bush and Blair.

Sender:Fakhrun Zaman, Publicity cell

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