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Budapest: Demonstration against the war and occupation of Iraq

21. March 2006

by the Hungarian Left Front

On 18th of March 2006 an anti-war-demonstration took place in Budapest for the 3rd time. About 100 person participated in this demonstration which was organized by the Civil for Peace NGO. Some organizations joined this demonstration, like Attac Hungary, Alba Circle, János Kádár Friend Association, Hungarian Social Forum as well as the Hungarian Left Front.

The demonstration started from the Liszt Ferenc Square and on the West Square we made a street theatre. At the Parliament we handed over a petition to the Prime Minister, Ferenc Gyurcsány. We would have liked to hand over a petition to the Embassy of the Unites States of America, but they as usual they did not accept it.

At the Square of Freedom some speakers addressed the crowd, for example Pà©ter Szà©kely who is the Chairman of the Hungarian Left Front – Communist Youth Alliance.
