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Haj Ali: “Not accept status of victim, resist occupation!”

30. March 2006

Symbol of unnamed torture victims in Abu Gharib visits Turkey

Haj Ali-al-Kaysi, the man behind the hood, visited Turkey in the name of solidarity against occupation

Haj Ali-al-Kaysi who has become symbol of the unnamed torture victims of Iraq, after having been photographed while being tortured by electricity, hooded and wired at Abu Gharib Prison, visited Turkey for a “Solidarity for Iraq Meeting” last week. Al-Kaysi also visited some Islamic human rights and political organizations as well as Free Thoughts and Educational Rights Association- Ozgur-Der in solidarity and to exchange opinions.

Haj Ali-al-Kaysi visited Ozgur-Der, central office 23th of March, Friday. Al-Kaysi met with Hulya Sekerci, Secretary General of Ozgur-Der and with Muslim writers, activists and intellectuals. Here al-Kaysi gave information about the current situation in Iraq and shared opinions with others. He also told about the huge database his group “Victims of USA Occupation Prison’s Association” created, on the torture and war crimes of USA in Iraq, and offered to share this database with Turkish NGO’s. Ozgur-Der and Al-Kaysi agreed to improve and keep cooperation and solidarity between Turkey and the Iraq resistance. Some of the biggest national TV stations of Turkey also made reports with and news about al-Kaysi.

At 25th of March, Saturday a big solidarity meeting took place in Istanbul in the name of “Solidarity for Iraq Night”. The meeting organization committee of “Vuslat” Magazine, had called that “the meeting is devoted to hear and share the pain of Iraqi people against brutal occupation”.

More than five thousand men and women attended to the meeting. Haj Ali-al-Kaysi also delivered a speech. Songs in support of the Intifadah were sung. Writer Ahmet Varol recalled in his speech that “All humanity must have to take side in the face of this brutal imperialist occupation: Whether you will be on the side of exploitation, occupation and imperialism or you will be on the side of resistance and freedom”.

When appearing thousands greeted al-Kaysi with slogans reading “Down with USA” and “Allahu Aqbar (Allah is Great)”. Al-Kaysi started his speech with “My brothers in Islam, my brave Muslim brothers of Turkey, I brought you the greetings of Iraqi people”, spoke about the brutal face of USA occupation in Iraq and quoted some other torture victim’s words. Al-Kaysi explained how torture and desecration is exerted intentionally and systematically against Iraqi people even today and mentioned about a professor at the age of 75 desecrated and heavily tortured by occupation forces.

Al-Kaysi said that USA occupation soldiers are chatting with each other about their torture habits and have fun raping victims. Al-Kaysi finished his words with these sentences: “Despite all this torture and exploitation, I believe deep in my hearth that occupation will end soon! I can see it in the eyes of the Iraqi youth full with courage and faith against the occupation, I can see this in the decisiveness against occupation of my brothers here for solidarity, tonight!” The crowd frequently shouted slogans like “Allahu Aqbar” as Al-Kaysi spoke.

The organization committee of the solidarity meeting gave al-Kaysi a sword as a gift, symbolizing “determination to resist”. The musical group of Ozgur-der named “Grup Yuruyus (Gait)” sang Intifadah marches and resistance songs. As well as the children group of Ozgur-der called “Free Children” played sketches on Intifadah and occupation. After the sketches the “Free Children” gave a symbolic “stone” to a child coming from Iraq.

We as Free Thought and Educational Rights Association believe, the occupation of Iraq will end soon and the resistance will win! We are on the side of the resistance with all means. Al-Kaysi shows the way for the oppressed and tortured billions of the world, not to submit to occupation, exploitation and oppression. He is a symbol not only of the torture by the occupation against the Iraqi people, he is also the symbol of not accepting the “oppressed and tortured” identity but choosing “the resistance activist” identity. They may torture us, occupy our lands with their brutal armies and may kill us, but a thousand resistance men and women will rise from the blood of each one of us!

Imperialism one day will be accounted for tortures and concentration camps!
Long live the Iraqi Resistance! Long Live Global Intifadah!

Ozgur-Der (Free Thoughts and Educational Rights Association)
