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Anti-imperialist Space

11. April 2006

in the 4th European Social Forum of Athens

Editor’s note: We publish following statement to document the debate on how to form a coalition of anti-imperialist forces. As Anti-imperialist Camp, however, we strongly believe that it is the wrong choice to remain within the frame of the Social Forum as its leadership and its structures is organically linked to a a modern version of reformism. In substance they what to mitigate the contradictions of the imperialist system and not use them to destroy it. We believe that the anti-imperialist forces must organize independently outside the Social Forum. Only in this way they can conduct a fruitful dialogue with the forces within ready to co-operate on an anti-imperialist ground. Therefore the Anti-imperialist Camp supports and participates in the Anti-imperialist, Anti-capitalist meeting taking place in parallel to the Social Forum.

Forming a specific network with common aims and originating in a broad geographical spectrum, we create this space for the promotion of mutual solidarity and alternative information. The following points that we share define the specificity of our network and the creation of the anti-imperialist space in the 4th ESF of Athens:

– Our conviction that we must bring out the imperialist dimension of “globalization” and underline the necessity and centrality of the anti-imperialist struggle in the actual period that is characterized by the imposition of the US-led “New World Order”.

– Our support towards the liberation movements struggling for the preservation of peoples’ and nations’ identity and interests, including the right to self-determination, against the multiform national and social oppression imposed by big and “small” states, imperialist organisms and multinational corporations.

– Our opposition to imperialist wars, military occupations, dirty wars against countries asserting their sovereignty, imposition of fascist type “anti-terrorist” legislation – and our support of the just peoples’ resistance all over the world.

– Our condemnation of the imperialist and reactionary character of the “European Union” and the whole anti-people arsenal imposed by the EU on the peoples of Europe, which razes the most elementary democratic and social rights of the working masses and the youth.

It will be a “neighborhood” of movements and collectivities, which promote the friendship and solidarity among the peoples of our continent and of the greater region, and oppose imperialism, neoliberalism and unjust war. We aspire at contributing decisively in the holding of a lively, democratic and brotherly 4th ESF.

Signatories (05/04/2006):

1. Anti-imperialist Component (GSF member), GREECE
2. Union of the Working People (Trade Union Current, GSF member), GREECE
3. Left Mass Formations of the Youth (GSF member), GREECE
4. Cultural Centre “Anatolian People’s Bridge”, GREECE
5. Askapena (ESF/WSF member), BASQUE COUNTRY
7. Askatasuna (ESF network against security policies and repression), BASQUE COUNTRY
8. EHE (Euskal Herrian Euskaraz), BASQUE COUNTRY
9. Palestinian Workers Union Federation in Europe, EUROPE
10. Al Najda Social Association, PALESTINE
11. Al Najda Social Association, GERMANY
12. Contropiano (review), ITALY
13. Radio Città Aperta, ITALY
14. Forum Palestina, ITALY
15. National Committee for the withdrawal of the Italian troops from Iraq, ITALY
16. Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees (Maha Nassar, Chair of UPWC), PALESTINE
17. Socialist Platform of the Oppressed (ESP), TURKEY
18. Federation of Socialist Youth Associations (SGDF), TURKEY
19. Association of Laborer Women (EKD), TURKEY
20. Dockyards and Harbors Workers Labor Union (DİSK/Limter İş), TURKEY
21. Textile and Garment Workers Union (Tekstil-Sen), TURKEY
22. Foundation for Researches of Science, Education, Culture, Arts and Aesthetics, TURKEY
23. Association of Student Women (ÖKD), TURKEY
24. Azadi/Freedom (Kurdish socialist patriotic newspaper), TURKEY
25. Laborer People’s Coordination Against House Demolitions, TURKEY
26. Ankara Mamak Culture and Arts Association (MKSM), TURKEY
27. Istanbul 1st of May Neighborhood Beautification Association, TURKEY
28. Van Art and Life Cultural Center, TURKEY
29. Democratic Rights Platform (DHP), TURKEY-NORTH KURDISTAN
30. Hundred Flowers Cultural Centre (YCKM), TURKEY-NORTH KURDISTAN
31. Democratic Women Movement (DKH), TURKEY-NORTH KURDISTAN
32. Democratic Youth Movement TURKEY, (DGH) TURKEY-NORTH KURDISTAN
33. Revolutionary Democracy (Newspaper), TURKEY-NORTH KURDISTAN
34. Democratic Rights And Culture Association TURKEY-NORTH KURDISTAN
35. National Struggling Workers’ Union (SNLL), ITALY
36. World People’s Resistant Movement (WPRM)
37. Confederation of Democratic Rights In Europe (ADHK), EUROPE
38. Atilim Avrupa /Atilim Europe (Socialist Newspaper), EUROPE
39. Young Struggle (review), GERMANY
40. Young Flame (review), ENGLAND
41. Confederation of Oppressed Immigrant in Europe (AvEG-Kon), EUROPE
42. Federation of Immigrant Workers (AGIF), GERMANY
43. Federation of Immigrant Workers (IGIF), SWITZERLAND
44. Federation of Immigrant Workers (FGIF), FRANCE
45. Refugee Workers’ Cultural Association (GIK-DER), ENGLAND
46. Association of Turkish Immigrant Workers (ACTIT), FRANCE
47. Initiative for a European Committee for the Defense and Expansion of Democratic Rights and Freedoms, GERMANY
48. Democratic Society Party (DTP), KURDISTAN/TURKEY
49. Peace Mothers (Barış Anneleri), KURDISTAN/TURKEY
50. Association of Prisoners’ Families (TUAD), KURDISTAN/TURKEY
51. Mesopotamia Cultural Center (MKM), KURDISTAN/TURKEY
52. Kurdish Institute, KURDISTAN/TURKEY
53. Association of Immigrants (Göà§-Der), KURDISTAN/TURKEY
54. Association of Relatives of Disappeared People (Yakay-Der), KURDISTAN/TURKEY
55. Democratic and Free Women’s Movement (DÖKH), KURDISTAN/TURKEY
56. Free Citizens’ Movement, KURDISTAN/TURKEY
57. Democratic Confederation of Labour, KURDISTAN/TURKEY
58. Resistance Movement “23 September” (Bulgarian S.F. member), BULGARIA
59. Iskra (review of the BWPC, Bulgarian S.F. member), BULGARIA
60. Socialist Solidarity Platform (SODAP), TURKEY
61. Solidarity Homes Association (DAYANIŞMAEVLERİ), TURKEY
62. Independent Union of Textile Workers (BATİS), TURKEY
63. Women Solidarity Association (IMECE), TURKEY
64. Democratic Youth Association (DGD), TURKEY
66. International Platform Against Isolation, TURKEY
67. Attorney’s Office of the People (HHB), TURKEY
68. Federation for the Basic Freedoms and Rights, TURKEY
69. Federation of Students’ Associations, TURKEY
70. Federation of Anatolian Associations, EUROPE
71. Anatolian Association, GERMANY
72. Anatolian Association, FRANCE
73. Anatolian Association, HOLLAND
74. Anatolian Association, SWITZERLAND
75. Anatolian Association, BELGIUM
76. Review “Revolutionary Proletariat”, TURKEY
77. Committee for a Free Iraq, NORWAY
78. South Asia Solidarity Group, NORWAY
79. Antiglobalization Activists in Syria (AGAS), SYRIA
80. Patriotic Democratic Labour, TUNISIA
81. Alternative Information Center (AIC), joint Palestinian-Israeli organization

5 April 2006
