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Participants Anti-imperialist Anti-capitalist Meeting

14. April 2006

Athens 4-7 May 2006

International Participations

International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS)
ILPS Turkish Section
ATIK – Confederation of Workers from Turkey in Europe
ATIF – Federation of Workers from Turkey in Germany
ATIGF – Federation of Workers and Youth from Turkey in Austria
ITIF – Federation of Workers from Turkey in England
FITIF – Federation of Workers from Turkey in France
ATIK-DG-NDY – New Democrat Youth – Turkey
ATIK-Yeni Kadin – ATIK-New Woman – Turkey
Front for Rights (HOC) – Turkey
Association of Families of Political Prisoners (TAYAD) – Turkey
Legal Office of the Peoples (HHB) – Turkey
Federation of Youth Associations (TSDF) – Turkey
Campo Antiimperialista
Marxist Leninist Party of Ukraine
Workers’ Communist Party of Norway (AKP)
Free Iraq Committee – Norway
Free Iraq Committee – Italy
Free Iraq Committee – Denmark
Iraqi Patriotic Alliance
Iraqi Patriotic Communist Movement
Cadre -Iraqi Communist Party
Resistant Arab People’s Alliance, Pan-Arab
French trade unionists
Revolutionary Council of Trade Unions (RCTU) – Philippines
Cordillera People’s Democratic Front (CPDF) – Philippines
The Iranian People’s Fadaee Guerillas (IPFG)
Caravane Migrants Network – Germany
Leo Gabriel – Journalist, Austria
Brazilian Center of People’s Solidarity (CEBRASPO)
Slai Cobas of Fiat Napoli

Greek Participations

Political Parties and Organizations

Revolutionary Workers Party (RWP) Revolutionary Communist Movement of Greece (RCMG) Communist Party of Greece (Marxist-Leninist) (CPG(m-l)) Radical Left Front (RLF) New Left Current (NLC)
Youth Communist Liberation
Ecologists Alternatives

Movements and collectives

Militant Movement of students
People’s Militant Movement
Class March
Anti-war – Anti-imperialist Committee of Karditsa
Anti-war – Anti-imperialist Committee of Trikala
Committee against Military Bases and Dependence – Chania
Left Municipal Movement of Chania
Solidarity Committee to the Workers in the Fertilizers Factory – Thessalonica

Labor Associations

Association of Teachers in Private Tuition Centers in Thessalonica and North Greece
Association of not appointed Teachers in Thessalonica
