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EU continues to negates visa for Hamas representatives

30. April 2006

But they can subdue the resistance nor impede dialogue

Salah Bardawil, spokesman of Hamas, and Mohamed Rantisi, brother of the killed leader of Hamas, were scheduled for a European tour including France, Italy, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Austria.

But despite promising signals at the beginning France denied to grant visa. Doing so they just applied an European policy decision to isolate the elected representation of the Palestinian people. The EU is therefore liable for and implicated in the U.S.-Zionist crimes against the starving Palestinian people. This episode shows once and again that Europe is nothing but a slave of U.S. imperialism forming a section of the U.S. empire.

The important news is, however, that Norway, which had already dropped the Black List, signalled readiness to speak to a representative of the new executive of the Palestinian Authority (PA). The U.S. immediately intervened to impede such a meeting thus showing that they are the mastermind behind the isolation and confirming the limited sovereignty of the EU states. Interestingly Norway rebuffed this interference. So we will continue on this track to break the isolation of Hamas covering up a current genocide.

A second though smaller success of the campaign of the European anti-imperialists regards Sweden, which is in difference to Norway a member state of the union. While ruling out a meeting with Hamas a spokesman of the foreign ministry said that not all Hamas members are terrorist which implies that visa is not ruled out in principle. Even that was enough for the hysteric Zionists to summon the Swedish ambassador to the Israeli foreign ministry.

We are not surprised by the EU’s criminal position which is in continuity of its colonial, racist and genocidal past. After having killed millions of Jews they use this to help the extermination of Palestine as a nation now by a starvation blockade.

The democratic and anti-imperialist forces will continue the campaign against the stranglehold of the Palestinian ghettoes and for the recognition of their democratic join. Let alone the Palestinians: history shows that even the most cruel and powerful repression could not stop them to fight for their right to self-determination.

The only viable solution for a just peace is to smash the Zionist Jewish state of Israel and to build one single democratic anti-imperialist state of Palestine.

Anti-imperialist Camp
April 30, 2006
