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Stop the US-European isolation of the new Palestinian Authorities

30. April 2006

Call to support the tour of a delegation of the Palestinian Authority in Europe

The Palestinian people are facing a cohorted international pressure against the democratic will and choice of Hamas as the political representatives of the citizens and refugees living in the West Bank and Gaza. One of the most obvious proofs that the US obstruct democracy in the Middle East is the economical extortion campaign to force the government elected in the Palestinian elections 25th of January to kneel. The campaign is even worse considering that the US every year supports the occupant state Israel with huge sums. When the European governments now choose to stand behind the US extortion they once again show that they are fully on the side of the brutal occupation of Palestine.

The US and European states are demanding the Palestinian government to “recognize the state of Israel, reject violence and respect signed treaties”. However, they never once put any pressure on Israel not to build the wall or even to respect the basic human and civil rights of the occupied Palestinian people. Of course they never even questioned the legality of the racist, Zionist state built on the expulsion of another people. While those proposing boycott or economical sanctions of Israel are stamped as “anti-Semites” the US and European states are now co-ordinating a massive pressure aimed to bring down or change the policies of the Hamas government.

The question in issue for the solidarity movement with the resistance of the Palestinian people should be to mobilize support for the democratic rights of choice for the Palestinians. The government elected has chosen to turn upside down the treaties before signed by the Fatah-led PA. They call themselves a “resistant government”. They’re a government in line with the popular opinion of the Palestinian people, a people which will not accept Israel for crumbles of sovereignty.

For this reason we call for the support of the European tour of Sheikh Bardawil, speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council and member of the Islamic Resistance Movement in Palestine (HAMAS).

France: Movement of solidarity with the Resistance of the Palestinian People (MSRPP)
Italy: Campo Antimperialista, Committees Iraq Libero
Germany: Free Iraq Committee, Human Dignity and Rights, Initiativ Duisburg
Norway: Palestine Committee in Oslo
Sweden: Palestinian Association, Arab House Free Iraq Committee Malmo
Denmark: Daily paper Arbejderen
Austria: Anti-imperialist Camp, Arab Palestine Club

30 April Paris, France
5 May Milan, Italy
6 May Padua, Italy
8 May Reggio Emilia, Italy
9 May Versilia (Tuscany), Italy
10 May Perugia, Italy
11 May Rome, Italy
12 May Duisburg, Germany
13 May Cologne, Germany
15 May Oslo, Norway
16 May Malmoe, Sweden
17 May Kopenhagen, Denmark
18 May Vienna, Austria
