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Bahar Kimyongür arrested by the Dutch police

12. May 2006

International Platform against Isolation

Bahar Kimyongür, spokesman of the DHKC Information Bureau in Brussels and one of the defendants in the political trial in Brugge, was arrested in Holland in the night from 27th to 28th of April.

The attempt of criminalization of progressive forces in Europe in collaboration with the Turkish regime, has reached a serious level and Holland has shown another example for this injustice. Bahar Kimyongür was arrested Thursday night, after the Dutch police stopped him in a car together with another person, approximately 40 kilometres from Amsterdam.

Kimyongür’s Belgian lawyer, Carl Alexandre stated that there wasn’t any legal reason for his arrest. Bahar Kimyongür has neither participated in any violent action nor has the trial decision against him in Belgium become definite. The trial of appeal in Belgium will be held between 8th and 12th of May.

There doesn’t exist any decision which forbids him to leave the country. Bahar Kimyongür is Belgian citizen and has a regular domicile in Brussels.
His lawyer says, that Bahar Kimyongür is held at the police center at Schipool (Amsterdam Airport). The reason given, is an International Arrest Warrant and Turkey’s request for his extradition.

Tomorrow morning (Monday), there will take place a trial closed to the public, which will only deal with the legitimacy of the international arrest warrant. Alexandre stated that Bahar Kimyongür is recently on hunger strike in order to protest against his arbitrary arrest.

Although Turkey hasn’t got any legal right to ask for the extradition of a Belgian citizen, we think it is important to inform the public about these facts and to demand immediate freedom for Bahar Kimyongür!

We say NO to the attempt of creating an atmosphere of “terrorism” by arresting and persecuting progressive people.
We call upon the Dutch authorities to stop its collaboration with the regime in Turkey, known for its torture and human rights crimes!

30. April 2006

Further information on the Brugge trial (in French):
