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International Declaration of Athens

18. May 2006

Conclusion of the Anti-imperialist Anti-capitalist Meeting

We, the undersigned, mass peoples organizations, students’ and trade unions, antiwar and antiimperialist initiatives, parties and collectives, that met in IAAM in Athens from the 4th to the 7th of May and all those that participated in the organized debates and activities and in the great anti-imperialist, antiwar and anti-EU demonstration on Saturday 6 May, marching towards the US Embassy, the EU headquarters in Athens and the Greek Parliament, send our warm militant greetings to all anti-imperialist forces, to all toilers and youth, to the resistance and liberation movements, to the peoples revolutionary movements and to the progressive people all over the planet.

We especially send a message of solidarity to the struggling Iraqi people and to the heroic Iraqi Resistance. We affirm our strong support to the struggle for the defeat of the occupation forces and the liberation of Iraq. We call for an international conference in solidarity with the Iraqi people’s resistance in the near future. We salute the armed struggle of the revolutionary forces in Nepal and the great democratic liberation movement of millions of Nepalese people for the final overthrow of the monarchy and for a free people’ s Nepal. We demand that the people of Nepal are left free to decide for the future, without any exterior intervention. We explicitly condemn the threats, the blackmails and the war preparations of US imperialism against the Iranian people and their plans for global domination. We call for a global movement of antiwar action in order to stop the war machine. We also condemn the support provided by the rest of the European imperialist powers (Britain, Germany, France) to the USA through the promotion of a UN resolution, based on article 7, in their attempt for joint domination of the world. This has nothing to do with the policy of the reactionary Iranian regime that exploits and oppresses the Iranian people. We strongly support the struggle of the toilers and people of Iran against the reactionary regime. We unite our voice with the resistance of the Arab people against imperialism and we send a message of brotherhood and solidarity to the heroic Palestinian people who fight for a free homeland against the illegitimate Zionist state and for the abolition of the occupying Zionist entity. We also condemn the economic embargo against the Palestinian people and their legitimate government by US and European imperialist powers. We demand the unconditional return of all Palestinian refugees to their homeland and support the R-O-R (right of return). We support the anti-imperialist and social struggles of the peoples of Latin America and we condemn the imperialist interventions and conspiracies against the achievements of the peoples of Venezuela and Cuba. We send a message of solidarity to the armed revolutionary movements in Asia and we support the revolutionary movement of the peoples of the Philippines against imperialism and its local puppets. We demand a stop to the persecution of Professor Jose Maria Sison, chairman of ILPS and historic leader of the left movement in Philippines. We demand the immediate release of the former chairperson of ILPS, parliament member Crispin “Ka Bel” Beltran. Finally, we send our militant greetings to the democratic liberation and revolutionary struggle of the Turkish and Kurdish peoples against fascism and imperialism. We demand the immediate release of all political prisoners and an end to torture and isolation cells. We demand the immediate release of Memik Horuz, the first deputy chairperson of ILPS, who continues to be held in prison since 2001.

We take this opportunity through our meeting in Greece to underline our opposition to the imperialist interventions in the Balkans, to the presence of NATO and to the policy of redrawing the borders that create dangers of new wars and bloodshed upon the Balkan peoples. We condemn the imperialist court of the Hague for the policy of exhausting of prisoners, that led to the death of the former president of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic. We condemn the imperialist interventions in Cyprus, the partition of the island and we call on the peoples of Greece, Turkey, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots to a common anti-imperialist front. We also call on the anti-imperialist forces in the Balkans to confront the presence of US military forces in the region and oppose the installation of military bases in Romania and Bulgaria and to unite their struggle with the antiwar, anti-imperialist forces all over the world that fight to close down and expel US overseas military bases. The peoples of Balkan opposing national chauvinism must unite in a common struggle against the imperialist backed regimes and their policies. We oppose the anti-labour and anti-people policies of the governments that serve capital and the multinationals and support capitalist barbarism, which throws the toiling masses and the majority of the people across the world further into poverty, unemployment, hunger and misery. We, therefore, salute the recent victorious mobilization of the French toilers and youth and we call on the peoples of Europe to follow the same path of resistance. We support every struggle for the reconstruction of strengthening of the workers’ movement across the world and all efforts for the total liberation of the society from the bonds of oppression and exploitation. We especially oppose the anti-people policies of the imperialist European Union and its leading powers. We salute the struggles of the European peoples against the European Constitution, the European Army, the Bolkenstein directive, the politics of Lisbon etc. and the struggles to leave the EU that is developing in various countries. We oppose the politics of terrorism, of the suppression of peoples’ democratic rights, the antiterrorist hysteria, the black lists, the Guantanamos and the violence against the peoples’ movements and those who fight for freedom and justice. Our thoughts are with the militants that resist the policies of violence in the prisons and dungeons like the isolation cells in Turkey or Abu Graib in Iraq. We condemn the recent anticommunist hysteria developed in Europe, the anticommunist persecutions in eastern European countries (Ukraine, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Latvia etc.) and the recent anticommunist memorandum of the European Council. We oppose the anti-Islamic hysteria and the dominant western propaganda against the struggle of the Arab people for national and social liberation. We call on all genuine mass movements to defend the natural environment and the life resources of the planet and to oppose the imperialist and capitalist plunder and the destructive exploitation by multinationals. We support the struggles of the landless peasants and the indigenous peoples for the right to land and life, against the multinationals and the governments that support the capitalists and the landlords. We denounce the racist, exploitative and restrictive policies against the migrants and refugees, the walls and the anti-migrant laws. Migrants are integral part of the working class in the country where they work and in which they are subjected to exploitation, as the toilers of the host country. We take this opportunity to send a warm militant message of solidarity to the millions of migrants in the USA that demonstrated recently against the anti-migrant policies of the Bush administration. We support the growing antiwar, anti-imperialist mass movement in the US. With our participation in the IAAM, an independent initiative, we continue in the direction initiated in Thessaloniki-Resistance 2003 and successfully continued in Mumbai-Resistance 2004, RESISTANBUL 2004 and JUNK WTO 2005 in Hong Kong and other international initiatives. We reject the policies of compromise and co-option promoted by the dominant forces in the anti-globalization movement, the western NGOs, the leading social-democratic structures of the World and European Social Forum. We organize the independent alliance and unity of masses in their struggle! We support the initiatives of the ILPS and other genuine anti-imperialist initiatives and we call for the unity of all the authentic anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist forces. Finally, we recognize the absolute and urgent necessity for a common front of the peoples against imperialism, for a global mobilization in order to block the nightmarish scenarios of new wars, preemptive nuclear attacks and interventions. Only the united and massive and militant struggle opposing imperialism can guarantee a better future of all peoples. Barbarism and capitalism is not the end of history. In the struggle nobody is left behind and we are ready to support new initiatives for common action and coordination with all the peoples’ forces and movements. The 21st century belongs to the peoples and the toilers of the world in their struggle to overthrow imperialism and all reaction in order to create a world of equality, freedom and justice, without exploitation of man by man.

Athens, 7 May 2006 Pantio University

Association of Families of Political Prisoners (TAYAD) – Turkey
ATIF – Federation of Workers from Turkey in Germany
ATIK – Confederation of Workers from Turkey in Europe
ATIK-YDG New Democrat Youth – Turkey
ATIK- New Woman – Turkey
ATIGF – Federation of Workers and Youth from Turkey in Austria ARAB PALESTINE CLUB
Brazilian Center of People’s Solidarity (CEBRASPO)
Cadre -Iraqi Communist Party
Campo Anti-imperialista
Carawane Migrants Network – Germany
Cordillera People’s Democratic Front (CPDF) – Philippines
Free Iraq Committee – Italy
Free Iraq Committee – Norway
Free Iraq Committee – Denmark
ILPS Turkish Section
International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS) The Iranian People’s Fadaee Guerillas (IPFG)
Iraqi Patriotic Communist Movement Partizan-Turkey
Resistant Arab People’s Alliance, Pan-Arab
Revolutionary Council of Trade Unions (RCTU) – Philippines
Slai Cobas of Fiat Napoli
Workers’ Communist Party of Norway (AKP)
Class March-Greece Militant Movements of Students-Greece
People’s Militant Movements-Greece Communist Party Greece (marxist-leninist)
