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Protest the arrest of an anti-war activist in Jordan

31. July 2006

In 2006, July 15th Abdul Aziz Mohammad Khalil Ali – a civil activist, was arrestedby the Jordanian Authorities reference to a demonstration in the Professional Associations’ Complex against the Zionist attack on Lebanon. He was accused of insulting the Arab leaders, a “crime” referred to in Jordanian law by the creative term: “Tongue Elongation”!!!!

On the 16th of the same month, the Police Director in Amman referred Abdul Aziz to the Public Prosecutor. Abdul Aziz was accused of using inappropriate language to insult the higher authorities and was detained for 15 renewable days at Al-Jweideh Prison.

On July the 27th, a request to bail Abdul Aziz out with an amount of 3000 Jordanian Dinars was approved on behalf of the case.

The shock was, when at 3:30 am of the following day, and upon transferring Abdul Aziz from Al-Jweideh Prison to Police Department in Amman to release him; his family was told that the Police Director has referred his case to the Governor of Amman who has wider authorities than the judiciary. They will re-interrogate him.

So, Abdul-Aziz is still being charged and trailed by the State Security Court for participating in a demonstration against the Zionist attack on Lebanon, and although this court has released him on bail, the Governor has placed him in prison under his “extended” authorities with Administrative Arrest.

Please protest Abdul-Aziz’s arrest by sending letters to the below addresses demanding the following:

1- The immediate release of Abdul Aziz Mohammad Khalil Ali.
2- Stopping his trial procedure and withdrawing all accusations made against him.
3- Cancellation of the un-constitutional State Security Court.
4- Cancellation of the authorities given to the Governor that enables him to imprison people without trials and without referral to the judiciary.
5- Stopping governmental harassments and arrests against activists.
6- That the government should respect the citizens’ human and constitutional rights to express their opinions, demonstrate and organize.

Ministry of Interior, Jordan

Ministry of Justice, Jordan
