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2007-2014: A new bolivarian mandate for president Hugo Chávez

28. August 2006

In December 2006, the Venezuelan people will decide over a new mandate of President Hugo Chávez Frà­as.

President Chavez’ antiimperialist strive, that has brought about
outstanding social and democratic progress above all for the poor,
can count on broad support within the country. Hence, the slogan of
the Bolivarian popular movement on the forthcoming elections is: 10
million votes for a new revolutionary mandate.

We intend to join this slogan with our
voice of international solidarity. In fact, one strong aspect of Hugo
Chavez’ presidency is his country’s solidarity with the peoples
of the world. President Chavez continuously pointed out the crimes of
the Guantánamo camp of torture, the occupation terror in Iraq,
the threathening of war against Iran and last but not least the
Israeli state terrorism against the Palestinian and the Lebanese

As a sign of supporting the Bolivarian
government’s anti-imperialist policy, we would like to confirm to
President Hugo Chavez that the peoples are in solidarity with a new
Bolivarian mandate in occasion of the presidential elections in
December 2006.

We would, hence, kindly like to invite
you to send a solidarity note to President Chavez’ Bolivarian
government, that we will deliver on the occasion of a solidarity
delegation in November 2006.

(You may wish to sign the solidarity note or
otherwise write separately in support of the solidarity campaign.)

Support the solidarity note

