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The Israeli Aggression against Gaza and Lebanon

3. October 2006

A political declaration by Abnaa elBalad Movement
New steps in the war of mass destruction Against the Arab Nation
For the Unity of Anti Imperialist Forces

The beginning of September 2006

The Imperialist Plan
While vainly waving the slogans of “the war on terror” and “the establishment of democracy in the middle east”, the imperialist policy against the Arab Homeland is undergoing a dangerous escalation from the period of domination and control to waging an open war for the destruction of all the necessary conditions for the existence of the Arab Nation. The best proof of this comes in the latest experience in Palestine, where the democratic elections to the legislative council changed the government of the Palestinian Authority and proved the Palestinian people’s determination to support the resistance, in spite of the barbarian repression by the occupation. In response to this democratic choice, the Israeli-American occupation, supported by the remnants of the European imperialist powers, stepped up its campaign of siege and starvation, defining any resistance to the occupation as a terrorist crime, trying to force a civil war to break the Palestinian people from within.

The capturing of an Israeli soldier by the Gaza resistance in June was followed by more criminal massacres against the people, accompanied by daily armed incursions into the “liberated” Gaza strip and the kidnapping of many Palestinian political leaders. At the same time, the “international” monitors and the Egyptian security forces take part under the command of the occupation forces in farther tightening the suffocating siege of Gaza. The ferocity of the aggression and the steadfastness of the resistance aborted the imperialist attempts to incite civil war. The imperialist policy continues to reject the result of the democratic elections, trying to break the will of the Palestinian people by massacres, starvation and the prevention of basic medical and other human necessities, till the people will “democratically” choose surrendering to the occupation. It is important to note that in the conditions of total siege against the Palestinian people in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, the occupation army can perform continuing massacres without suffering heavy losses, what explains why the “international community” and various “peace forces” can stay completely indifferent and avoid even calling for an end to the bloodshed.

On the Lebanese front, we see the same ingredients of the imperialist policy, but within a different constellation… The Lebanese elections in 2005, which took place under the discriminatory sectarian representation as forced on Lebanon by French imperialism, created a parliamentary majority supportive to the US hegemony. But this colonialist victory didn’t satisfy the colonialists, which require from the Lebanese government to wage a civil war to disarm the Lebanese resistance, to comply with the “international community” resolution 1559… According to their double standards, the existence of any power in Lebanon ready to defend the Lebanese land and people is regarded a “terrorist” aggression against the natural right of Israel to invade, bomb and occupy.

The Israeli invasion of Lebanon, on July 12, came as an implementation of this policy, as the Lebanese government failed to execute what was required of it. Israel didn’t hide the fact that its strikes at the Lebanese resistance and the destruction of the Lebanese infrastructure were politically designed to strengthen the political position of the Lebanese government in support of the Imperialist master plan. The official representatives of the US administration were also very clear, from the very beginning of the Israeli invasion and throughout their efforts to keep the adequate international climate for the continuing destruction of Lebanon, that this was an integral part of their plan for “a new middle east”.

The legendary steadfastness of the Islamic Resistance, and the unity of the Lebanese people with all their faction around it, failed the imperialist attempt to beat Lebanon, to distance it from its Arab identity and to drown it in a new civil war. But Lebanon is still a target of the Israeli-American plan, the occupation forces didn’t retreat from all the Lebanese lands and Israel still imposes land, sea and air blockade of Lebanon. The Security Council resolution 1701 comes to give the aggressor, through the “international” legitimacy and forces, what it failed to achieve at the military campaign.

The Israeli-American fear from the establishment of an Arab deterrent force was their main motive behind the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The American occupation forces are still engaged in a murderous war against the Iraqi people. They work for the division of Iraq, the creation of sectarian strife and the incitement of civil war in it. The US imperialists also work with their European servants on the destabilization of Syria and Iran, always creating new fabricated excuses to intervene in their affairs. In the latest such provocative venture, we see that the usage of nuclear technology for peaceful means became “internationally forbidden” for Iran, while the same “international” powers supply the US’s loved one in the area with weapons of mass destruction so that it could destroy any evidence of life in the Arab world.

Lately, after the Somali Arab people suffered for 15 years from robbery, killing, starvation and the lack of basic Human services under the terror reign of the warlords supported by the CIA, and after these people finally seem to succeed to get rid of their torturers, the US didn’t hesitate to open a new front in its total war on the Arab Nation, and gave green light for Ethiopia to invade Somalia.

Resisting Imperialism
The accumulating escalation in the cruelty and aggressiveness of the imperialist policy stems from the total crisis of imperialist international domination, and its inability to enforce its rule by any other means but escalating violence. Even this violence and destruction can’t guarantee the continuation of its rule, which is based on the exploitation of all the people on earth. While the American invaders are proving incapable of containing the popular resistance in Iraq, many people in Latin America utilize the moment to liberate themselves and get rid of two hundred years of exploitation and oppression by the North American imperialism. While the Empire pours hundreds of billions of dollars from its deficit stricken budget on its invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, socialist China is building its economic power to become the world’s main industrial center and put an end to the imperialist custom of boycotting and putting under siege those poor countries which refuse to comply to its political dictate and to the economic exploitation by its multinational companies.

The goal of the imperialist world order is the exploitation of the people everywhere and the robbery of all the world’s natural resources for the interest of a small clique that controls the multinational companies. It is no wonder that the “forces of evil” – according to the imperialist definition – include the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela, led by President Chavez, and the Islamic revolution in Iran, led by President Ahmadinejad. The main offence of both is the “usurpation” of the oil resources of their respective countries, and its extraction from the control of the capitalist Big Oil, and its usage for the development of their countries’ economy and for the improvement of their peoples’ living conditions. It is only natural that the anti imperialist forces showed their solidarity with the Lebanese people against the Israeli aggression, and that those regimes that are loyal to imperialism, which proves their good behavior by facilitating the imperialist exploitation of their countries, were hoping for the victory of the aggressors and were afraid of the proof of the potency of the popular resistance. The imperialist hegemony and the masses fear of the vengeance of the Israeli war machine are the guarantee for the continuation of those regimes, which benefit only a small group of collaborators and exploiters.

We are required to show more unity, more activity and more principled stand by the anti imperialist forces in order to face all the challenges.
