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Solidarity delegation to Lebanon

31. October 2006

The resisting Lebanese people still need our support

The latest political developments in Lebanon confirm the urgency of a solidarity delegation. It is necessary today to bolster the legitimacy of the resistance alliance including their armed forces against the escalating pressure of the 14-March forces led by the Hariri clan and supported by the USA and their allies.

The delegation is intended as a part of a solidarity project with the Lebanese Arab and Islamic resistance against the imperialist and Zionist attempt to control the country..

The delegation will leave to Beirut on November 12th and will stay in Lebanon until November 20th.

The activities have been planned in coordination with the Lebanese activist group “Nashet” and include:

1. Solidarity camp in a boarder village, where volunteer participation in the reconstruction works, and meetings with the local activists and population is scheduled.
2. Visit to the main sites of the major battles of the resistance against the Zionist aggression along the south Lebanese boarders.
3. Partial participation at the solidarity conference with the resistance, held in Beirut between November 16th and 19th, called for by the Lebanese Communist Party, Hezbollah and Samidun (coordination of Lebanese civil society organisations)

If you desire to participate and for more details, please don’t hesitate contacting us.

Anti-imperialist Camp

See first call:
Campaign: Humanitarian donations, solidarity delegation and political support conference
