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Iraqi resistance congratulates Chavez on victory

5. December 2006

“looking forward to build the international front against imperialism”The Honourable Excellence Sr. President Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela

In the name of the IRAQI RESISTANCE and the National Patriotic Islamic Front (NPIF) we send our warm congratulations for the great victory you have achieved. It is a tremendous and remarkable victory not only for Venezuela, but a success for all the oppressed masses struggling against imperialism all over the world.

In Iraq, we are very pleased and we consider your victory as a victory for us and for all the revolutionary people. We assure you that we will continue our resistance against the US savage occupation and we are sure that we will defeat US invaders and liberate our country.

Our faithful wishes for Venezuela’s people to achieve more successes in their brave battle against US imperialism and oppression. We are looking forward to build the international front against imperialism.

Our best regards and warm greetings
Abduljabbar Sulaiman Al-Kubaisy
President of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA)
Official Representative of the NPIF IRAQ
