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Mauritania: anti-imperialist candidate runs in second round

17. March 2007

Ahmed Ould Daddah second in first round

Sunday, March 11, the first round of the presidential elections in Mauritania took place which are the first to be regarded as democratic. In the last decades there used to be a military dictatorship controlled by the Western imperialist powers. The important fact is: the candidate of the democratic anti-imperialist coalition, Ahmed Ould Daddah, who scored second with some 20%, will participate in the second round challenging the candidate of the old regime. Many believe that, if no major electoral fraud will be carried out, Daddah has good chances to become the next president of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. Daddah is not only supported by his movement (“Rassemblement des forces dà©mocratiques”) holding 16 seats in parliament but by a broad coalition of popular forces representing not only different oppressed social and ethic groups but also leftist and Islamic cultural currents.
