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Interview with Nepalese Maoist leader

12. April 2007

People’s war as an ispiration also in the West

Earlier this year a representative for the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoists) visited Norway. Front lines were so lucky that we got an opportunity to have a talk with this representative for the leading force within the People’s war in Nepal. Due to safety reasons, the CPN (m) representative is anonymous. In this interview we call him for Comrade.

Comrade, why is your progress interesting also for us in the West who are not in a revolutionary situation?

There are so many factors why the progress of the Nepalese proletariat is interesting to the people in the west. First, the Nepalese revolutionary movement under the leadership of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) is advancing by crushing all false propaganda concocted by imperialism and its ideologues. These false propaganda that ‘communism is dead’, that ‘the end of the history’ that ‘there is no alternative of capitalism’ etc. are crushed through revolutionary practice. History has once again manifested that the interest of the oppressed people cannot be addressed from the banquet halls of the monopoly capitalists and bourgeoisie reactionaries, and the revolutionary movement in Nepal has proved that people can shape their destiny by their own hands. Second, political power of the people in Nepal has given hope to the masses in the world that Nepalese revolution is emerging harbinger of the world proletarian revolution. Third, since the Nepalese people’s war is developing in the most difficult situation of the history, it would not happened so possible hadn’t there been certain contribution on the development of all components of Marxism – dialectical materialist science, political economy and scientific socialism. These all factors cannot help but enthuses the masses of the world and encourage them to ponder over why such developments are taking place.

As an international proletarian vanguard, our party is struggling not only for revolution in Nepal but for world proletarian revolution, where there will be no exploitation against man by man. For one example today, the monopoly capitalism had privatised human knowledge, created economic bankruptcy among the mast majority of the people, deprived the majority from the right to live and human way and prevented scientific development to take to the interest of the masses of the people. Let’s take a thing as the development of a sattelite system which can provide the whole world with access to free telephone and internet. This is probably possible today with the technological development of humanity. But the international telecommunication companies are not interested in this, because it will stop them in grabbing out as much profit as possible for the services they provide. Under socialism, this will be free. If the people in Nepal seize power, it will be possible to make this a reality from Nepal in the service of the people. Then the world will have a country where such solutions can be made real. It is also a fact that our progress is an encouragement for you who fight against the stream all the time. We need your support, and you need our progress. This is mutual.

We have read about the proposition of a UN-controlled special mission to Nepal (UN Mission to Nepal – UNMIN). One of the conditions they propose is the Maoist handover of the weapons. Western media enlighten us that this has already started. How do you look at this?

The CPN (m) wants development in Nepal and peace, progress and prosperity of the Nepalese people. The semi-feudal semi-colonial production relation has been the main obstacle to achieve political right and economic prosperity. Thus the people’s war was initiated to remove such obstacles. The development of ten years of people’s war has brought the Nepalese society to a social and political transformation on which, once again, the forces who used state machinery – army, police and international powers – to suppress the Nepalese people came with commitment that they would go along with the Maoists to bring changes in economic base and political superstructure. From 12 point agreement to Comprehensive Peace Agreement, all sides – our Party and Seven Party Alliance are fully committed to bring such radically change in the Nepalese society through election of the constituent assembly. And the UN is to assist on those issues requested by the both parties CPN (Maoist) and SPA under consensus. Thus, however, UN may have plan to apply DDR (Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration) principal, still their duty is not to propose conditions to handover PLA weapons but to assist in promoting peace by assisting to apply CPA. This agreement is based upon commitments from all parts. This means that if anyone else breaks the agreement, the agreement is dead. And we have to keep in mind that the present situation is not peace – only a classless society will pave the way for lasting peace and extinct the causes for war. But the present ceasefire in Nepal paves the way for the Nepalese people’s progress. Thus the Maoists are willing to keep their commitments, but only under condition that the other parts also do that.

Mao Zedong once said that without a people’s army, the people have got nothing. What is your view on this erudition?

That is true. The liberation will stop without a people’s army. Today the people’s army has caused women’s liberation, a partial dissolution of the cast system and a breakdown for the class society in the liberated areas. This liberation is a result of the people’s army and without the people’s own army this would not have been possible. Mao’s basis for saying this was a total and scientific analysis of the fight ordinary people have to take with the bourgeoisie. We have showed in practice that his theory was correct.

The Indian Maoists in the Communist Party of India (Maoists) has often been quoted for criticising the Nepalese Maoists for among other things to have closed an agreement with the seven party alliance and also in other areas, such as the invitation to the UN to survey the ceasefire. Comrade, what are your views on this criticism?

Yes, we are having a critical and theoretical debate with the comrades in the Indian party which possess other experiences than ours. This debate also exists within the international communist movement and is among other things about the understanding of democracy in the 21th century, analysis of imperialism and other important questions. Agreement and disagreement will always exist. These questions are results of the development of history. One of the main tasks for revolutionaries is to solve these problems both theoretically and practically. But it is utmost important to underline that this debate and these discussions with the Indian Maoists always have been dialectical and constructive. The Indian Maoists is one of the greatest inspirations , from different points of views, we have in the struggle for liberation for the Nepalese people.

Taken from the Norwegian magazin Frontlinjer.
