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First May in Afghanistan – US massacre in Herat

2. May 2007

Herat civilians need urgent solidarity

A heinous massacre by US

Around two hundreds civilians including women and children have been killed by US Special Forces and their local servants Since Friday April 27 in Hirat a western province of Afghanistan during big air strikes and constant heavy military operations.

According to witnesses, residents of Zir e Koh villages of Shindand district of Hirat province, as result of air strikes and landed troops, more than two hundreds were killed and hundreds were injured and their homes and properties were completely destroyed. There was a river of blood and the crying of injures filled the whole atmosphere. The US forces says that they were all Taliban who were killed within their successful operation, but the local government authorities in Hirat did not confirm the claim of US military, and say it was just a misunderstanding! It means instead of enemy they targeted civilians!

Following this massacre by US forces, the residents of Shindants district launched an angry protest and chanting: Death with US! Death with NATO! You are murderers of our innocent children! Go out from our country! We are stand for revenge!

The angry protestors stoned police and burnt the district building and governmental house and vehicles.

The barbaric forces not only did not help the injured while entered to the area but, according to villagers they shot them again to keep them silent!

It is not the first time and will be not the last one that they committed such historical shocked crimes. While the US barbarism is reaching its epoch in Afghanistan, the so-called international community and human rights defender organizations and “civilized” world is watching and maybe enjoying.

We do no expect US and its allies governments to stop their bloody scenario in our country, but we can count on anti imperialist movements, workers unions, and progressive forces around the world to protest and resist in any possible ways.

Dear friends, the civilians of Hirat have been suffering from acute problems, thousands of people lost their homes and assets. They have nothing to eat and cure their injured members of their families. They need your urgent solidarity and assistance.

There are tens of children who lost their parents, who have no supporter anymore. There are tens of women whose head of families arrested by US forces and still they don’t know about their fates. They need just your support.

Radical Revolutionary Youths of Afghanistan (RRYA)
May 1st, Hirat, Afghanistan
