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New attacks against Turkish Journalists and Trade Unionists

25. May 2007

Anti-Terror Law “Terror” against “Alinteri”

The socialist weekly periodical “Alinteri” (Sweat of Labour) has been subject to new attacks. The official correspondent of “Alinteri” in the Turkish capital Ankara has been detained by a police raid early this morning. The correspondent Sami Gök was not the only one to be taken by the police, the President of Egitim Emekcileri Dernegi (Education Workers Union), Sefa Gokdemir, and 10 readers of “Alinteri” newspaper are still under detainment now.

Last month, the web site of “Alinteri” had been shut down for a week by the court due to a critical report about the working conditions of workers at the Selcuk University. And the editor, Sakine Yalcin, had to pay 1500 euro for her press trials and she still faces a fine of 14000 euros.

The names of the detainees in Ankara Anti-Terror Center are as such: Sami Gök, Sefa Akdemir, Nurcan Agbaba, Serhat Agbaba, Burhan Agbaba, Cihan Simsek, Nevin Yaylaci, Neslihan Serefoglu, Evrim Altun, Özgür Tuncel ve Sedef Beskardesler.

The police has confiscated personal computers, film and music CD’s, books, magazines, newspapers and telephone-notebooks of the journalist and trade union members.

The rationale for police raids and detainments has been declared as “shouting illegal slogans in Mayday”.

The Ankara IHD (Human Rights Organisation), CHD (Contemporary Lawyers’ Association) and 78’liler Vakfi (Foundation of 78’ers) have held a common press conference together with Alinteri at central bureau of Human Rights Organisation. In the press conference, it was said, “The aim of state terror is to hinder the will of struggle expressed in Mayday. The recent attacks against workers and labourers shall be answered by strengthening the struggle. The detainees must be released right away.”

This operation aims at intimidating the labourers who have attended to Mayday celebrations.

This operation aims at threatening the revolutionary-progressive forces who refuse to be an instrument of the power conflict between the National Security Council and the AKP government in Turkey.

We call for an international solidarity to respond to this reckless attack by the Turkish government.

Protest fax and mail against the detainment of Turkish journalists and trade unionists to prevent imprisonment.
Fax: 0090-312-418 17 95

YASANACAK DUNYA (The Turkish Newspaper published in Koeln)
Central Bureau: Lasallestr. 54 51065 Köln / Germany
Tel: (00) 49 – (221) – (992 81 15)
