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3000 years of prison demanded for 23 people!

3. October 2007

Turkey: political trial scheduled for Oct 26Following the fascist Turkish state`s terror and wave of detention on communist and socialist organisations as well as individuals in September 2006, hundreds of communists and revolutionaries had been arrested and 80 of them detained. Many conspiracies against communists detained on September 21 which was the second wave of attacks or later were revealed and a large number of the imprisoned were released. However, the 23 prisoners who had been arrested and detained during the first wave of attacks will be taken to court on October 26 for the first time, 13 months after their detention.

The files of the 23 revolutionaries and communists, who had been detained on September 8-12 2006, have not been accessible for 9 months and the charges were only proclaimed in June 2007. For 9 months neither the lawyers not the prisoners have known with what being charged. During this period the Turkish state tried to produce fake “proofs and documents” together with its police, special police units and public prosecutors used for the conspiracies against the communists and socialists.

With a charge of 292 pages that finally appeared altogether 3000 years of prison are now demanded for the 10 September prisoners. The first hearing of the prisoners will be held on October 26 2007 at the Heavy Penalty Court in Besiktas, İstanbul.

In the charge prepared by the public prosecutor of the state of İstanbul the prisoners are related to the MLCP. The charge demands several times lifelong for 13 prisoners as well as different sentences between 10.5 and 45 years for 10 prisoners. The prisoners for whom lifelong sentences are demanded are as follows:

Ibrahim Cicek – chief editor of the newspaper Atilim
Sedat Senoğlu – newscoordinator of Atilim,
Ziya Ulusoy – columnist of Atilim,
Bayram Namaz – columnist of Atilim,
Fusun Erdogan – chief coordinator of the radio station Ozgur Radio,
as well as Naci Guner, Arif Celebi, Sultan Ulusoy, Adem Serkan Gundogdu, Ali Hidir Polat, Seyfi Polat, Mehmet Ali Polat and Erkan Ozdemir.

The prisoners for whom the charge demands differerent sentences between 10.5 and 45 years are as follows:
Erkan Salduz, Turac Solak, Elif Almakca, Hatice Bolat, Fatma Siner, Hasan Ozan, Arzu Torun, Soner Cicek, Fethiye Ok and Bilgi Tagac.

Fascism cannot convict communists!

All conspiracies and attacks against communists and socialists will be revealed and fought back because they are are leading a struggle to finish capitalist exploitation and oppression, unite the working class and labourers in the fight for freedom and socialism, to make them active politically and organise them. It is them who are leading the struggle for the liberation of humanity. They fight for a world without borders, exploitation and classes.

Fascism cannot convict the communists that represent the free and dignified future of humanity!

Let us convict fascism with international solidarity!

The fascist dictatorship`s attacks on the 10 September will cannot be considered separately from the bourgeoisie`s similar attacks on communists and revolutionaries in other countries. It is an international duty to stand up on an international level against these attacks of the bourgeoisie in each country and to show solidarity with the communists and revolutionaries who have been attacked and arrested. The international solidarity shown by revolutionary, socialist and progressive organisations and people with whom we are acquainted during the September attacks and later have strengthened the power and determination of the September prisoners.

Delegates from different countries of the world will watch the trial on October 26. We Want Freedom Campaign calls on all revolutionary, socialist and progressive forces as well as human right defenders to watch the trial of the 23 journalists, writers, revolutionaries, socialists and communist, who had been arrested on September 8-12 and for whom the charge demands 3000 years of prison, and to convict fascism together.

Long live International Solidarity!

We Want Freedom Campaign
30 September 2007
