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Al-Rashideen Army to U.S.

8. October 2007

Don’t walk behind a mirage, we will fight you till the last man falls

This is an interview with the leader of the Al-Rashideen Army “Adil Al-Zahawi” , published on Haq Agency.

Tell us about the beginning

Al-Rashdeen Army established at the first days of the occupation and began to collect weapons that were left in Rustamiya [Iraqi regular Army military camp] and the rest of the outskirts of Baghdad, and declared itself militarily, when fighters carried out an attack on the occupation army patrol after nine days of the occupation of Baghdad, and clashed with militants patrol police in the tunnel Karkh side of Baghdad after Friday afternoon prayers on (18/4/2003), we didn’t not document these attacks with videos or images, because we didn’t adopt this tactic at that time.

Al-Rashideen Army located in different parts of Iraq, if you follow our attacks videos you will notice that, including the North and South provinces.

What about the political agenda and objectives?

These are some of the main features of our political program and whoever wants to learn more , then he can check the program issued by the Jihad and Reform front which we are part of.

1- Armed resistance and cooperating with the entities that are unsupportive to the occupation and recognize that the resistances as the legitimate representative of Iraq have the right to self-determination.

2- Working to rebuild the political socity and the Iraqi state based on justice, and work to create institutions that serve the community and provide a decent life for all Iraqis.

3- Work on the liberation of Iraq from foreign occupation and achieve full independence, and ensure people’s freedom, the full political and economic independence and rejected influence and guardianship from any external force on the country’s interests and to bind the occupiers compensate the Iraqi people for all the material and moral damage due to the invasion and its consequences.

4- work to free all prisoners from the occupation forces and the government prisons and honoring the martyrs who paid the highest price for freedom.

5- To identity of Iraq as an Arab, Islamic state and its natural wealth belongs to all Iraqis, regardless their affiliation.

6- The illegality of the constitution, treaties and laws which were drawn up after the occupation, which harm the sovereignty and the interests of Iraq.

7- Reject any population-geographical changes made under occupation, and work to resolve disputes arising prior to the occupation, when circumstances are favorable after the departure of the occupation, taking into account the specificity of Kurdish issue can be discussed with our brothers the Kurds under the provisions of Justice, under the framework of free and independent State of Iraq

Are you are certain of the withdrawal of the occupation forces? What do you have in mind after the withdrawal?

Yes, we are certain, because our land never yielded to an occupier in any day, you can browse history to know that the brute forces always looked at Iraq, but all attempts failed, these sons of this blessed earth have dedicated themselves to stay free.

As for the question of our preparation in the withdrawal of enemy forces, we believe that the expulsion of the occupation will provide a suitable ground for the Iraqis, and Iraqis experienced and learned important harsh lessons about the forms of ethnic and sectarian parties who came with the occupation, it can be beneficial to the Iraqis to choose the form of the State, which serve their religion and their country and the future generations, the Iraqis are capable to make the right choice.

The jihadist factions are to blame for leaving Baghdad City for the militias and the occupation forces, what do you say about that?

Resistance factions never abandoned Baghdad, but the nature of the war is to use different tactics, Jihadist factions are using various plans based on the hit-and-run where they cannot hold Ground or a particular place because they will be an easy target, especially after many people who came with the occupation are still working for the occupiers as spies.

What do you say about the recent fights among resistances factions?

We Al-Rashideen Army always mediated between the resistance factions, all fighters are brothers and their rifles are always directed to the enemy.

We believe that the fighter who sacrificed himself for his religion and homeland is more careful to preserve the blood of other factions.

There were many situations we had to postpone our operations against the enemy because we knew that it will hurt civilians, soon we will publish videos to confirm this.

What about the negotiations between some factions and the occupation forces sponsored people within the political process, are part of part of this issue?

We do not rush to sit and negotiate with the occupier, and we will not hold any contacts with the occupier unless it preceded by paper agreement of principles and guarantees, and the decision is agreed by the majority factions in the battle of Jihad, and with God will it started to emerge in recent days signs of unity among factions which makes negotiations easier when the time approaching.

Last year you released your very popular English video called “The code of silence”, how do you see the performance of jihadist media in general? Do you have anything new?

There is generally no parallel between Mujahdeen media and their military operations, due to three reasons:

First, the strength and domination of the enemy information machine and its distinguishes great expertise, capabilities and range.

Second, limited experience of the people in this field, who need a long period of practice to gain the necessary experience media jihadist,

Third, the blackout practiced by many media and unfortunately this applies even to some media with professional objectivity.

In the (code of silence) released to explain some aspects of our work, especially with regard to the ability to access our goals, and issued in two versions, one in Arabic and the second in English, we addressed the American President, and our message was clear, that we have to defeat them, and victory for us.

I like to tell the readers through your site that the Information Office of the Al-Rashideen Army are now issuing a new videotape Like (code of silence) will be directed to the American public.

Recently announced the formation of the Jihad and Reform Front, are these fronts in the interest of the resistance?

Any effort to unite the resistance against the occupation would inevitably be in favor of the resistance not to mention that this is a legitimate duty and a n national necessity.

Are there changes and developments followed the emergence of these fronts?

We do not want to anticipate events in the first stages, but currently we will not reveal our plans, to keep the enemy in a state of wait and warned with stressed nerves.

What is your vision of a form of government in Iraq after the occupation?

We said previously that we believe that the withdrawal of the occupation will provide the suitable ground for the Iraqis, and we believe that the Iraqis will agree among themselves on the form of government based on their Islamic Arab heritage, which represents the majority in Iraq, taking into account the rights of minorities.

What about the conflict between the Shiite parties and resistance recently, Will it be in the interest of the Iraqi resistance?

We generally reject these subdivisions, and the circulation of such sectarian terminology , because it came with the occupation, they tried to take advantage of them.

We generally divide Iraqi society into two categories, one against the occupation, all colors and spectrums of the Iraqi people, and one cooperated with the occupation, and this category includes all Iraqis, Arabs, Kurds and Turkmen, Muslims and Christians, Sunni, Shiite, and here we do not look at the this conflict as a conflict with community, whether Shiite or non-Shiite, but because these forces agreed to cooperate with the occupation.

Final word … .. to the factions …… the Iraqi people .. the American people?

We say to our brothers and comrades of Jihad: be proud and unified.

We say to the Iraqi people you are support and extend, be patient, we will not abandon you or the country.

To the American people we say: How long do you want to walk behind the mirage? Tell your leaders to return to their senses and seek to preserve what is left of our blood and your soldiers blood, we will not go back from our duty of fighting your soldiers, we will keep fighting till the last man falls.

taken from:
Roads To Iraq, 3.10.2007
