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Together against the looming attack on Iran

7. November 2007

Greetings to the National Conference of the World Workers Party, USA

The Anti-imperialist Camp is conveying is warm revolutionary greetings to the national conference of the World Workers Party scheduled for November 17-18. As you know we have been commonly involved in the support of the anti-imperialist movements throughout the world.

Now it seems as if the Bush regime, caught in severe troubles because of is aggressive interventions in the Middle East and especially in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine, is switching up another gear in its pre-emptive war. To solve the problems of their global rule they want to attack Iran.

More than any battle since 1991 this forthcoming one will decide upon the future of the world. If Iran is able to repeal the attack, to stand against it and to maintain a government which refuses to be a puppet, then the imperial drive of the US supported by its European allies, will suffer a decisive setback. Such a success would immediately strengthen all the anti-imperialist forces including the popular ones.

We are sure that as with Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebanon, Venezuela, Cuba and Iraq we will once again co-operation in supporting this struggle.

At the same time we believe that we have to work at the “home front” in order to organise the popular discontent against liberalism which has been articulating itself through the past decade in many Western countries. This is first of all a political challenge as we need to build a new antagonist platform against the imperialist oligarchy and for a new community which cannot be any more some “purified” variant of historic socialism or communism. Here we still stand at the beginning though the need is pressing given the fact that reactionary forces are competing with us as they want to misuse the new poor for their aims. We will find possibilities in the future to start a debate also on this matter.
