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Italian delegation refused entry into Gaza

23. December 2007

Statement from Eretz checkpoint
Apropos concentration camps:

This morning the Italian solidarity delegation, which departed from Rome yesterday, was blocked by the Israeli military at the Eretz checkpoint. Entry into Gaza was denied.

The criminal embargo imposed by Israel, the U.S. and the European Union is not limited to goods but does cut all human contacts. The Gaza strip is not an open air prison but an outright concentration camp. Prisoners usually are allowed to receive visits, but not in Gaza.

With the lockout of this morning the Israeli government slapped as well in the face of the Italian authorities. The Italian foreign ministry had assured that all necessary steps had been taken to allow the delegation into Gaza.

In order to denounce the genocidal embargo the solidarity delegation will continue its activities in the forthcoming days. For tomorrow morning a press conference has been scheduled in Ramallah as well as a meeting with the Italian consulate in Jerusalem where we will express our protest in the strongest terms possible. In the afternoon we will demonstrate against the embargo in Bethlehem on the occasion of Christmas matins. Meanwhile we are contemplating about a new protest action at the Eretz checkpoint.

We will keep you informed.

Italian solidarity delegation “Gaza must live”
December 23, 2007
