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Kambakhsh, a young student-journalist, sentenced to death

27. January 2008

Freedom of Expression and freedom of Opinion under a US installed regime

Parviz Kambakhsh is one of the very recent victims of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan who, because of his personal believes, opinions and his political opposition to US installed regime in Afghanistan, has been kept in the awful detention center of the National Security Department (SND) in Marzar e Sharif for the last three months.

Parviz Kambakhsh a 23 years old youth, student of 3rd class of Journalism faculty of Mazar e Sharif University and was a reporter for “Jahan e Naw” news paper. He belongs to a poor family from a poor province of Saripul.

During the detention period he was constantly tortured physically and mentally, even he was threatened to death if he did not confess. During this period he had no access to defending lawyer and meeting with his friends and relatives. Even the death sentence decision of attorney general and the court was made in his absence and secretly.

Kambakhsh was detained after the Intelligence service of Karzai regime (SND) identified him as a “secular, Marxist and opposition” to the regime. He was accused for printing out some atheist articles from Internet and distributed them to his class fellows.

According to the official accusations of Mazar Sharif attorney general, Hafizullah Khaliqyar, “Kambakhsh disgraced Islam, Quran, and Mohammad and broke the constitution”. Within an interview with Kelid Radio on 23 January 2008, he stated that “not only he printed and written anti religion articles but also he was an active Marxist who propagandized his opinions to others”. The attorney general victoriously said that SND has found a book of Wel Durant and some other anti religion books and documents from his home.

Ministry of Information and Culture by publishing a declaration on 23 January, take no responsibility regarding the case of 23 years old journalist Parviz Kambakhsh, and affirmed that “he was not a journalist but a student”!!

Mr. Babak chief editor of “Jahan e Naw” to whom Parviz Kambakhsh worked, rejecting the accusations of Mazar e Sharif attorney general, argued that reading documents and copying them from Internet is not illegal act.

Ulama council (the Council of religious experts) and Provincial Council of Mazar Sharif, SND and attorney general, altogether unanimously condemn Parviz Kambakhsh and demanded death sentence (stoning accordance with Islamic Shariat) to him. And finally the Middle Ages Court announced its decision a death sentence to Kambakhsh on 23 January 2008.

Yes this is the mode and the real face of democracy in Afghanistan, a government created by US/NATO as a model of democracy in the region!

Based on the article 3rd of the new constitution of Afghanistan: “No other law can be made that oppose holy Islam religion’s believes and laws in Afghanistan”. And article 33rd of Media law defines: there is no permission for the press and media to touch Islam and its principles.

Thus, as we notice, in Afghanistan there are many other articles in constitution, law of media, law of political parties and the law of cultural and social organizations that deprive the forces from establishment, activities and expressing their opinion or propagandize their objectives in the political environment of Afghanistan whose believes, perspectives and objectives are different from Shariat and Islam religion.

Therefore, since the toppling of Taliban dark and oppressive regime, we are not witness of establishment of any secular, Marxist, socialist party or organization in Afghanistan, while more than 95 Islamist-Nationalist political parties were established and registered by the government. But the Left- wing forces except some collaborative elements, most of them mainly continue their struggle and political activities underground as the time of Taliban and they are suffering from constant persecution of the regime’s watch dogs.

Every body knows that the Current Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Karzai government – President Karzai also has a Jahadi and Talibani background- mainly consists from Jahadi forces that possess the same believes, objectives and nature as Taliban, but due to their specific obligations and interests continue their collaboration with the regime and dance to the drum of US imperialism as before. These collaborative forces as Taliban own anti democracy and barbaric nature and never respect democracy and human rights.

The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan banned Aftab weekly in 2002 and sentenced to death its editors. In 2005, arrested and announced death sentence to Ali Mohaqiq Nasab for expressing his believes. Detained and sentenced to death Mr. Abdul Rahman who converted to Christianity in 2005. Holding in detention of Mr. Ghaws Zalmai since last four months and the recent event is the detention and death sentence to Parviz Kambakhsh.

Karzai’s regime as the regime of Iran through SND, Ministry of Higher Educations, Ministry of Educations and Ministry of Work and Social Affairs… sent official letters to their related departments such as universities, high schools and working centers… in Capital and in provinces, warn them not to allow political activities in their respective areas, if they consider any movement, report to SND immediately.

Since the installation of puppet regime in Afghanistan any opposition and movement seriously persecuted and suppressed more harshly than the time of Taliban. In 2002 and 2003, Kabul university students’ demonstrations were quit by the language of weapon and detained demonstrators as Marxists, Taliban, Al Qaida as anti government activists. In 2005, during anti occupation and regime demonstrations around the country, in spite of killing and injuring, the oppressive regime’s police imprisoned tens of demonstrators including 3 LRA militants for being revolutionary left and participating in demonstrations in Jalalabad on May 20, 2005. On May 29, 2006, following anti occupation big demonstrations in Kabul
that ruthlessly repressed by police, Mr.Majadid chief of Senate and a Jahadi figure, blamed communists for holding such demonstrations.

Marxist, communist and Kafer (infidel) are the good words for the current Jahadi- nationalist ruling fascists to under the light of so-called democratic new constitution, legally persecute and hunt its political opposition.

Of course the manifesto of socialists, communists and all Marxists demanding termination of private property and exploitation of individual from individual, real equality of women and men, separation of religion from state, abortion right for women, annihilation of heritage right… that are in contradiction to Islam and any other religion, but it does not mean that communist are anti Islam or religious people as Bismarck. They have a scientific behavior towards religions and treat it a personal matter of anybody.

But the anti communist and Marxist sentiments among the Islamic world especially among the Islamic political forces as fundamentalism and extremism developed and encouraged by US imperialism during cold war to use them against the “danger of communism”. And still US imperialism has the two behaviors, if needs to repress its enemies support Islamic extremist forces warmly in the pretext of defending human rights and democracy as in China, central Asia…if those forces touch the interests of US imperialism then add them in its black list as terrorists. For instance, it helped to create and bring to power Taliban in
Afghanistan and had not serious objection before September 2001, but when they refused to hand over Osama to them, suddenly they were changed to terrorists!

But today as well, Islam is a good shield for non democratic regimes as well to suppress their opposition as only anti Islam elements to protect themselves from their opposition and criticism.

Left Radicals of Afghanistan (LRA) as a revolutionary left organization that is suffering from constant persecution of the current oppressive regime and continue its political struggle underground, strongly condemn the barbaric act of detention and death sentence of the oppressive regime to a very young intellectual and demand immediate release for him. We believe that, imperialists and their puppet regimes around the world, counter to their stupid claim of the death of “communism” still feel danger from Marxist forces and by different ways make effort to undermine them.

LRA ask from all progressive and anti imperialist parties and forces around the world to support from the campaign for the freedom of Parviz Kambakhsh and sent protest letters to the Foreign Affairs Ministries of US/NATO to intervene and release him from the Midvale court of their child regime in Kabul. Because US/NATO is responsible for all crimes and chaos running in Afghanistan and because these imperialist governments as a “Life-Angel” occupied Afghanistan and created a new constitution and a puppet regime of Mafia and war criminals for us in Afghanistan.

– Immediate release for Parviz Kambakhsh!
– Freedom of expression and freedom of opinion is a legal right of all people!
– Down with oppressive regime and their plundering supporters!

Left Radicals of Afghanistan (LRA)
25 January 2008- Afghanistan
