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European Campaign to end the Siege on Gaza

Protest at Rafah Border Crossing, End of March 2008

10. March 2008

In support of the suffering Palestinians in Gaza and in protest against the Israeli aggression, The European Campaign to end the Siege on Gaza invites all European activists and Politicians to take part in a solidarity demonstration against the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Place: the Rafah Border Crossing
Time: Last week of March 2008

People wishing to participate must e-mail the Campaign for further information by 14/03/2008

The European Campaign to end the Siege on Gaza
Tel: 0031 6136 444 44

Gaza: Break the isolation – stop the massacres
Call for a solidarity delegation to enter via Rafah

Every week dozens if not hundreds are being killed by the Israeli attacks and incursions to Gaza. The starvation embargo does the rest. In a clear and obvious breach of all international law and all human and moral standards, the occupation forces continue the slaughtering of civilians with the silent approval of the West and Arab leaders.

Since the overwhelming electoral victory of Hamas, the US and Israel have attempted to oust the legitimate representatives of the Palestinian people from the reigns of power. From the beginning the Palestinian people have been subjected to collective punishment for their democratic choice.

As the leaders of the world remain silent, popular movements, intellectuals, democrats and advocates of respect and dignity must take action. The only way to break the Israeli siege on Gaza is through active protest, boycott and sanctions against the occupation forces.

We call for an immediate end to the ongoing massacres and hostilities by the occupation forces. We want to break the isolation and bring assistance to our brothers and sisters on the Gaza strip. To this end we call for participation in an international solidarity delegation to take place by the end of March 2008.

Anti-imperialist Camp
