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The Committee for Justice in Europe has removed the PKK from the Terrorist List

4. April 2008

by “Kurdish Info”

Ever since the installation of the EU’ black list of terrorist organisations the Anti-imperialist Camp has been campaigning for its abolition (see links below). The black list has been copied from the US and serves in the Euro-American pre-emptive war against the popular resistance movements. It is outlawing not only the anti-imperialist organisations first of all those fighting in the Arab and Islamic world but also criminalising all those forces within Europe politically supporting the anti-imperialist struggle. It is a tool against the basic democratic right of free expression. Countless trials all over Europe and the last five years proved this dark prediction to be right.

If an EU institution now rules the listing of the PKK as illegal, we welcome this as we welcome this. It somehow reflects also parts of the public opinion not to go too far in the elimination of the political rights. We believe, however, that the mobilisation against the black list must go on until it is abolished.

Anti-imperialist Camp

Call of the Anti-imperialist Camp against the EU terror list
Sept 21, 2002

Report from the demonstration in Brussels, Oct 26, 2002
“No black
list, no war on Iraq”

The Committee for Justice in Europe has rejected the European Council’s decision to put PKK in the Terrorist Organization List. With this decision it has been said that the whole Terrorist Organization List may be abolished.

The Committee for Justice in Europe has given its decision on the PKK’s appeal against the decision to place the PKK in the Terrorist list. The court condemned the decision of the EU’s Council of Ministers. A statement read “The court has cancelled the Council’s decision on the above named” (PKK and Kongra-Gel).

The case was first heard in January where four English lawyers defended the PKK’s case with ten folders claiming it was wrong for the PKK to be placed in the List while calling for a ceasefire. The lawyers had claimed that it was not in the interest of peace for the PKK to be a designated terrorist organization.

The PKK had been put in the Terrorist Organization List on the 2nd of May 2002. Kongra-Gel had been included in the list in February 2004. The Justice Commission is the EU’s highest court and therefore has the power to override national courts.

The European Council parliament had declared the Terrorist Organizations List as unlawful. With this decision the Terrorist Organization List had become increasingly controversial.

The Terrorist Organization List has become pointless

In July 2007 the CCP and the NDFP leader Jose Maria Sison had thought for the removal of the CCP and NDFP from the list. This decision had become a precursor for other organizations on the list.

A similar decision for the PKK and Kongra-Gel has started talks that the whole list may be abolished. Many quarters have claimed that this list has been used and created for political gains. The PKK had also claimed that the list was used in compliance with US interests.

The Original Version of the decision

Thursday 3 April
Seventh Chamber

Judgment T-229/02 PKK v Council
Common foreign and security policy

Annulment of Council Decision 2002/460/EC: of 17 June 2002 implementing Article 2(3) of Regulation (EC) No 2580/2001 on specific restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities with a view to combating terrorism and repealing Decision 2002/334/EC (OJ 2002 L 160, p. 26), in so far as the PKK is included on the list of persons, groups and entities to whom those provisions apply, and, in the alternative, a declaration that Council Regulation (EC) No 2580/2001 of 27 December 2001 on specific restrictive measures directed against certain persons and entities with a view to combating terrorism (OJ 2001 L 344, pl 70) is illegal – Case C-229/05 P referred back by the Court after cassation

Judgment T-253/04 Kongra-Gel and Others v Council
Common foreign and security policy
