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Irish national liberation struggle is a symbol

2. November 2008

Message of solidarity to Republican Sinn Fà©in from the Anti-imperialist Camp

The Anti-imperialist Camp sends warm greeting in solidarity to 104th Ard Fheis of Republican Sinn Fà©in!

Your continued struggle in the 32 Counties of Ireland is an essential part of an anti-imperialist fight against the British colonial empire and worldwide imperialism. As the Iraqi and Palestinian resistance bears the potential of breaking the backbone of imperialism, your struggle is a direct stroke in the heard of imperialism as well. The Irish national liberation struggle is a symbol for Europe and the whole world for a continued und brave struggle against inhumanity in this world.

We want to congratulate you for the successful “No-Campaign” against the Lisbon treaty which has played an essential part in an European wide anti-EU movement. The fight against the EU-Imperialism is linked to the fight against NATO-Imperialism. We are preparing a campaign against the 60th anniversary of the founding of the NATO in 2009. We hope that an anti-NATO campaign can generate as the same publicity as your No-Campaign could.

An Europe and worldwide solidarity of all anti-imperialist forces was, is and will always be an essential component to break the ruling system.

In this sense: An Phoblacht abú! We are all Irish! We are all Palestinians!

Anti-imperialist Camp, Austria/Germany/Italy, Nov., 3rd 2008
