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Will you respect the democratic election result?

23. May 2009

Letter to all top candidates of the EU elections whether they are ready to open up a dialogue with the just resistance of the Palestinian people

Dear friends,

We have now more than 2000 signatures for the Appeal to remove Hamas from the EU terror list and more than 40 personalities speaking out for the appeal.

On our website, , we have posted the letter that should be sent to all the first candidates for the European elections in your country. Could you please translate the letter and send it to the first candidates in your country. We will publish all the answers on the website.

Nadine Rosa-Rosso, promoter
(letter slightly abbreviated)

Madam, Sir,

The foreign policy is one of pillars of the European Union, and within this policy, the Arab-Israeli conflict is central as it interferes in all aspects of the relations between the different Middle East states and also in the Western world, in the broad sense.

The resolution of this conflict is, since long, an urgency which was carefully deferred to tomorrow. We have seen, once again, the tragic result of this procrastination in Gaza at the beginning of 2009.

Nevertheless, resolving this major conflict needs to put around the table all the protagonists, and as you know, it is not only a question for the European Union and United States in gathering the Israel and Palestinian Authority’s leaders. Around the table of negotiations has to be also Hamas, which the Palestinian people has elected democratically in 2006 and which is in fact a partner that cannot be ignored, as well as all the other Palestinian liberation organisations, such as the PFLP.

Hamas, which advocates the resistance against the occupation and has never been involved in any attack in our European countries, has been put on the European list of the terrorist organizations because France has followed the opportunist step of the Bush administration which, we know all, is responsible of the chaos in Middle East.

On the occasion of the coming European elections, we invite you to support our call to remove Hamas from the European list of the terrorist organizations.

The following months will be crucial for the peace in the Middle East, and this peace will not be achieved without Hamas, which has to be actively involved in the peace negotiations.

We thus ask you to support this call to remove Hamas from the European terrorist lists, a call already supported by the French Platform of the NGO for Palestine (http: // ) (1200 organizations) and by the Association Belgo-Palestinienne, as well as by numerous personalities and citizens of the entire world, and to commit yourself to explicitly defend it, when you will be elected.

Your answer will be published on the site dedicated to this call: “Recognise Resistance”, which has collected more then 2000 European signatures until now, where you will find the arguments of the personalities and the list of the citizens quoted hereabove.

We thank you in advance for your involvement in a just and fair resolution of the conflict in the Middle East.

European Campaign Recognise Resistance
