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No to Israel’s Policies of Intimidation and Terrorization

Condemning the political arrests of human rights activists Ameer Makhoul, and Omar Said

20. May 2010
A statement by Palestinian feminist and women organizations

A statement by Palestinian feminist and women organizations condemning the political arrests of human rights activists Ameer Makhoul, and Omar Said


As Palestinians living inside Israel commemorate the 62nd anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba; Israel continues its political persecutions of Palestinian leaders, recently arresting two veteran activists: Dr. Omar Said, a political activist and Mr. Ameer Makhoul- director of Ittijah and chairman of the Popular Committee for the Defense of the Political Freedoms.

The arrests were conducted in fierce violation of basic human and civil rights and mark an alarming escalation in Israel’s political persecutions to anyone who defies its institutionalized policies of discrimination. Ameer Makhoul and Omar Said join a long list of political persecutions routinely practiced by Israel’s General Security Service ‘Shabak’, including denying professor Noam Chomsky, a Jewish political activist, access to enter Israel. Clearly, Israel’s militarized practices are severely violating international declarations of human rights, and are publicly killing the freedom of speech; a basic democratic value.

We are particularly concerned with Israel’s degrading treatment of Ameer Makhoul, who was brutally detained to a chair, with both hands and legs harshly cuffed for three consecutive days, depriving him sleep. These inhuman practices of torture are regularly practiced by the Israeli Shabak in their illegal attempts to silence and demean Palestinian’s struggle for equal human and civil rights.

As activists in Palestinian feminist and women organizations, we affirm that our struggle for social change extends beyond the feminist struggle to include defending the political and human rights of our partners for social change. As women activists, we struggle for our national and political rights as Palestinians, defying Israel’s policies of oppression colonialism.

We stand in solidarity with Ameer Makhoul and Omar Said, and call upon the Israeli government for the immediate and unconditional release of Ameer makhoul and Omar Said and all political prisoners.

We salute the heroic efforts Mrs. Janan Abdo and Mrs. Ina’am Said for leading a massive wave of protests following the arrest of their husbands. Like many Palestinian women, they too are assuming greater roles in mobilizing a movement against Israel’s policies of oppression.

Israel’s political persecution fiercely violates international declarations for human rights. Consequently, we call upon the international community to apply pressure on the Israeli government, stating their concern regarding Israel’s misconduct and fierce violations of human rights.

List of organizations:

Al-Bir -Cultivating Culture and Community in Wadi ‘Ara, al-Fanar, Al-Tufula Center The Nazareth Nurseries Institute, al-Zahraa Women, Assiwar- The Arab Women Movement to Support Victims of Sexual Assaults, Aswat- Palestinian Gay Women, Coalition of Women for Peace, Community of Learning Women, Kayan – Feminist Organization, Gender Studies Program – Mada al-Carmel, Hope- Women organization for charity, Muntada- Arab Forum For Sexuality and Education and Health, MA`AN – Negev Women`s Forum, Princess of the dessert, Sidreh, The Working Group for Equality in Personal Status Issus, Women Against Violence, Women and Horizons, Women and Their Bodies, Yasmin al-Nagab, AWC – Arab Women in the Center, Women’s Organization for Political Prisoners (WOFPP).
