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Video footage from Assisi

Anti-imperialist Camp, Italy, 23-26 August, 2012

11. October 2012

The Anti-imperialist Camp in Assisi was a unique event. It brought together leaders and activists of the current Tahrir movement in the Arab world, anti-imperialist resistance forces from the Middle East including Islamic ones as well as anti-capitalist forces from Europe struggling against EU oligarchy. As the main state opposing the US-led global imperialist order a university professor from Tehran addresses the gathering as well. The guiding idea has been how to come together in a global anti-imperialist front.

Following footage has been shot, processed and uploaded to youtube by Gerd Münzner, a filmmaker from Germany. We thank him very much for this great work which he provided for free.


Democratic revolution in Tunisia: political Islam, the left and the future of the democratic revolution

 Ajmi Lourimi, member of the political leadership if the Islamic movement Enahda
Chair: Daniela Di Marco, Secretary of the Anti-imperialist Voluntary Association “Sumud” (arabic for steadfastness), Italy


The left in crisis over Libya: the NATO attack and the civil war

Hamza Piccardo, former leading member of the Union of Islamic Communities in Italy (UCOII), former spokesperson of the European Muslim Network
Chair: Massimo De Santi, nuclear physicist, member of the national secretariat of the Popular Liberation Movement (MPL), Italy


Syria: democratic transition or civil war?

Haitham Manna, speaker of the National Co-ordination Body for Democratic Change (NCB)
Chair: Wilhelm Langthaler, spokesman Anti-imperialist Camp, Austria


Greece: elections or revolution?  

Petros Al Achmar, Communist Organisation of Greece (KOE) which is member of Syriza


Jannis Rachiotis, Antarsya (Left Anti-capitalist Co-operation for the Overthrow)


Mikhalis Tiktopoulos, senior activist of the Greek antagonist opposition

Chair: Gernot Bodner, Agricultural physicist, leading member of the Anti-imperialist Camp, Austria


Palestine: the impact of the Arab revolt, the one democratic state solution and the solidarity movement

Attia Rajab, Palestine Committee Stuttgart


Zaher Birawi, leading Islamic Palestine activist, London


Leo Gabriel, member of the international council of the World Social Forum (WSF)

Chair: Mohamed Aburous, Arab Austrian Cultural Centre (OKAZ), Austria


The threat of an attack on Iran, the Zionist design and the struggle for peace

Massimo De Santi, nuclear physicist, member of the national secretariat of the Popular Liberation Movement (MPL), Italy

Paul Larudee, member of the executive committee of the Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ)

Mohammad Reza Dehshiri, university of Tehran

Chair: Massimo De Santi, nuclear physicist, member of the national secretariat of the Popular Liberation Movement (MPL), Italy


The Arab springs and the imperialist regional design

Ali Fayyad, Hezbollah MP and leading member


Vangelis Pissias, Professor in International Economic Affairs, leading organiser of the Gaza Freedom flotilla, Greece

Chair: Moreno Pasquinelli


The contributions are either in Arabic, English or Italian language translated in most cases to the others. Few are also in French or German. Further contributions will be published soon. Be aware that the available footage does not cover the entire event for several reasons. Some orators for example preferred not to appear on youtube.
