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Imprisoned Borotba member Sokolov freed after two yrs

Exchange for Ukrainian POW

19. October 2016
by Sergei Kirichuk

We are glad to inform you that our comrade Andrei Sokolov was released on Oct 14, 2016, from Ukrainian secret prison.


In 2014 Andrei Sokolov came to help Donbass antifascist resistance but within two weeks he was detained by Ukrainian secret service on his way to Gorlovka antifascist anarchists. He spent 2 years in prison and some months ago he was released by Ukrainian court. But despite the court’s decision he was immediately kidnapped by Ukrainian secret service.

They released him (exchanging for Ukrainian POW) – brought to the frontline with DPR and said: “Fuck off!” He managed to cross the frontline, then – DPR territory, Russian border and now already reached Borotba comrades.

As he said today in the interview to Russian ‘Novaya Gazeta’ he was held in SBU basement for half a year in total isolation. During OSCE inspections of the prison, the secret service used to replace and hide him in a private flat. He tried to escape from the prison but was caught and severely beaten.

Earlier Andrei Sokolov was convicted in Russia: first time for blowing up the monument to Russian tsar Nickolas II (‘RKSMB Krasnodar case’ and ‘NRA case’ of ‘the communist terrorists’), the second time in 2007 for transferring explosives.

We thank everyone who supported him and contributed to his release.

Further reading:
