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Turkish death fast campaign ends with sucess

Authorities allow inmates to meetBehic Asci removed to the Medical Faculty of Capa Following a positive development in the F-type prisons issue, lawyer Behic Asci as well as the mother of two daughters, Gulcan Goruroglu, interrupted their death fast protest.So far it has not been possible to establish direct contact to female prisoner Sevgi Saymaz, who is continuing her death fast action since 1st of May, 2006 at the E-type prison of Usak. On January 22nd the Turkish Ministry of Justice released an official letter concerning the F-type prison issue in Turkey. The letter says, among others, that up to 10, maybe 20, prisoners will be allowed to met and interact in future. Gulcan Goruroglu who continued her resistance at her house in Adana/Sakirpasa made following statement regarding the … [read more]

Civil war in Iraq

We continue to support the resistanceWe speak plain language: the Sunni-Shiite conflict in Iraq has grown in the course of the last six months into a sort of civil war.It helps little, to simply argue against this position by pointing out that all this has been caused by the machinations of the USA and of Zionism - as many of our friends in the resistance like to do. Surely the USA contributed substantially to this split, without however carrying this on their banner from the outset. For the civil war does not indicate by any means the success of Washington, but its total fiasco, its complete loss of control of the situation.One can take part in the search for the historical context of the conflict. But it was not inevitable that the conflict had to come so far. Or to put it differently: … [read more]

Int'l Conference for the resistance, a just peace in the Mideast convened

With the Resistance, for a Just Peace in the Middle East
Italy, Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 March, 2007 International ConferenceChianciano Terme, Province of Siena, Tuscany, ItalySaturday 24 and Sunday 25 March, 2007The national assembly of the promoting forces, which met last Sunday in Florence, decided to finally convene the international conference: "Against the Occupation, with the Resistance - with a Just Peace in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine".After the struggle of 2005, when the Italian government impeded the conference on order of the US, after the success of the campaign for the visas which seem to be granted this time, and with the renewed interest of different sectors of the Arab Resistance movement time has come to hold this important international convention. On March 24/25 a wide range of Iraqi, Palestinian and Lebanese … [read more]

Saddam's hanging - a US war crime

Statement by the Communist Workers Peasant Party PakistanThe following is the statement issued by the Central Secretariat of the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party Pakistan on the execution of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein:With deep sense of outrage and grief, the Central Secretariat of the Communist Workers-Peasants Party Pakistan (CMKP) strongly condemns the most savage, illegal and immoral execution of the former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein by an illegal court constituted on the order of US imperialism. The biased judgment of the Iraqi court under the control of US occupation forces is not acceptable to the people of the world. The US has created another crime by hanging former Iraqi President after its (US) invasion of Iraq and the killing of about six hundred thousand Iraqi … [read more]

The execution of Saddam Hussain is a new crime of imperialist occupation

Statement by the Turkish revolutionary Islamist organisation Özgür DerThe turndown Iraqi president Saddam Hussein executed. Some are trying to justify this execution as an establishment of the justice or a reward of crimes Saddam did before. Despite all this, this execution can not be respected as a lawful act. This is another murder and crime of bloody handed occupation.That is right; in the long years of dictatorship Saddam Hussein and Hussein leaded Baath Party have given unmeasured pain to Iraqi people. That is true that Saddam administration not only have given pain to its own Iraqi people but also started the 8 years prolonged war against Iran and caused the turn of the Middle East into a lake of blood. Saddam; with the encouragement and direct support of the global imperialist … [read more]

Workers World (U.S.) statement on the execution/assassination of Saddam Hussein

Another U.S. war crime in BaghdadThe U.S. government has committed another war crime against the Iraqi people, one of many, with its execution of President Saddam Hussein. In reality, this is an assassination of the head of state of the nation of Iraq, which is currently occupied and ruled by U.S. imperialism.Forget the fiction that this killing is a sovereign act of the current Iraqi "government," a puppet regime set up by the U.S. occupiers that can't even control the Green Zone of Baghdad.U.S. forces arrested Saddam Hussein. They have kept him on a U.S. air base—Camp Cropper—since his arrest. They tried him with no legal basis in a kangaroo court under U.S. tutelage. They sentenced him according to the Bush administration's schedule to attempt to influence the November … [read more]

Stop the Ethiopian-US aggression on the Somali Islamic Courts

by Lars AkerhaugThe threat of disaster is again looming over Somalia after Ethiopia, supported by the US, has begun pulling in military troops, until recently described as "advisors" in an attempt to topple the government of the Islamic courts. They want to put power in the hands of the Ethiopian and Western-backed (UN recognized) "interim government" controlling only a small percentage of the country. They are backed by the Americans, too busy in Iraq and Afghanistan to themselves military intervene.Today the Somali Islamist courts are calling to make Somalia ground for "holy war" for Muslim Mujahedin fighters from around the world. But even though conflict between Ethiopia and Somalia has been common latter years, it is not necessarily the norm.According to the Hadith, the Prophet of … [read more]

Saddam turned martyr

A symbol cannot be killedThe press conference by which the imperator expressed his cruel congratulations to the hanging of Saddam Hussein leaves no doubt about the real author of this political homicide. Saddam was in American hands. It was them to arrest him and keep him in custody. Only after being sure that he will be executed they consigned him to their lackeys.But by killing a man they could not kill a symbol. A symbol of irreducible and uncompromising hostility to imperial arrogance of American neo-colonialism. The emblem Saddam is even more dangerous as he was not only a rebel but a head of a state which demonstrated until the end that he is not ready to bog down before the occupiers. Far away from half-heartedly trying to bargain for his personal survival he never gave in to the … [read more]

Bangladeshi protest against the killing of Saddam

By the National Liberation CouncilOn December 30, 4pm, we, National Liberation Council of Bangladesh, organised a protest meeting in the capital city Dhaka against Iraqi President Saddam's killing. This protest meeting was presided by Faiezul Hakim, secretary of the National Liberation Council.Faiez said "by killing of president Saddam Hussain, US imperialism want to destroy Iraq." He also said "now Saddam is the symbol of anti imperialists". After the protest meeting a protest possession was held. Beside us, many organization also made protest … [read more]

Ethiopia championing a proxy aggression in Somalia!

28/12/2006 · By the Sierra Leone People's Democratic League P.D.L.
"How long should the government of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi in Addis Ababa be tolerated to continue to spilling the blood of innocent souls in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Iraq and now Somalia, while the African Union watches?
Like any other concerned African on the continent and the Diaspora, I feel totally ashamed to hear the African Union lending its support behind Ethiopia aggression of Somalia. I feel so ashamed because, at a time when Europeans are forging ahead with unity politically, economically, culturally, we in Africa opt the path of fragmentation; I feel ashamed because, six (6) years after the transformation of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) to the current African Union (AU), some African leaders still want to remain satellites for detractors to undermine the continent; I feel ashamed because African leaders, though they meet annually to debate on what supposed to be issues concerning the progress of Africa, they still have not come round to accept that so long as the continent is … [read more]

Iraks Baath-parti om den seneste udvikling i Irak

Interview med Abu Mohammed, talsmand for Iraks Baath-partiHvad er Baath-partiets og den irakiske modstandsbevà¦gelses holdning til Baker-Hamilton-rapporten?De 79 anbefalinger i rapporten, som berører situationen i Irak og i regionen, er koncentreret omkring at finde en løsning, der kan redde de amerikanske tropper og deres allierede fra det dødvande, som den irakiske modstand har bragt dem i. Men rapporten undgà¥r bevidst at nà¦vne den irakiske modstandsbevà¦gelses rolle, denne modstand, som er det vigtigste element i den igangvà¦rende udvikling og i fremtiden.Rapporten giver vigtige indikationer pà¥, at USA er begyndt at trà¦kke sin støtte til kollaboratørpartiernes ledere tilbage med en implicit trussel om at afbryde al støtte til det nuvà¦rende … [read more]

We ALL want to live!

by Samah Idriss, al-Adab"There will be a war next summer. Only the sector has not been chosen yet. The atmosphere in the Israel Defense Forces in the past month [November] has been very pessimistic. The latest rounds in the campaigns on both fronts, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, have left too many issues undecided, too many potential detonators that could cause a new conflagration. The army's conclusion from this is that a war in the new future is a reasonable possibility. As Amir Oren reported in Haaretz several weeks ago, the IDF's operative assumption is that during the coming summer months, a war will break out against Hezbollah and perhaps against Syria as well."This is what two journalists wrote in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz on 4/12/20061.(1) But here, in the heart of Beirut, the … [read more]

Orthodox Jewish Attitude to the 'Holocaust'

Speech delivered by Rabbi Aharon Cohen of Neturei Karta (International Conference "Review of the Holocaust", Teheran 11-12 December '06)1. Honourable friends, peers and colleagues. We are gathered here to discuss and consider from many angles a tremendously prominent issue from among the tragic events of the 2nd World War. The issue which has become known as the 'Holocaust'. As is known this issue revolves around the policy and actions adopted by Nazi Germany against the Jewish People. This is of course in the context of their much wider murderous activities at that time. My aim is to try and give you the Orthodox Jewish approach to this matter.2. Firstly let me express my gratitude to the illustrious organisers of this valuable event for granting my colleagues and myself the opportunity … [read more]

Italy: Turkish revolutionary militants sentenced to 7 and 5 years

Statement of the Anti-imperialist Camp, ItalyOn December 20, 2006, the tribunal of Perugia, Italy, pronounced the sentences against Avni Er and Zeynep Kilic who have been accused of international terrorism according to …§270 bis of the penal code and arrested together with three leaders of the Anti-imperialist Camp on April 1, 2004. The court ruled that Avni would be a leader of the DHKP-C while it assumed that Zeynep would be member.In their final statements both remembered that their struggle is directed against the anti-democratic regime which has been set up by the bloody coup d'à©tat of 1980 with support of the West and where the military remains the decisive political power.Zeynep drew the attention to her personal story. In the beginning of the 90s she had been arrested and … [read more]

Oslo: Successful Iraq seminar, despite provocations

Press release b ythe Norwegian Free Iraq CommitteeOslo, 16 December 2006- The Baker report is not about saving Iraq, but about saving the American administration from the situation into which they have led themselves and the American people, said sheik Jawan al-Khalisi, highly respected Shiite leader in Iraq when talking as one of the tree speakers at the seminar "Voices from Iraq" in Oslo, Saturday 16 December.- We know that the Norwegian people were opposing the war from the very beginning and were organizing demonstrations against it, said al-Khalisi. - We appreciate the Norwegian hospitality towards Iraqis, even though we can see that there are some that do not respect this hospitality, he said.Attempts at sabotaging the meeting The reference to lack of respect concerned a group of … [read more]

Ahmed Saadat refuses to recognise Israeli military court

Leader of Palestinian left under cruel prison regimeAhmed Saadat refuses to recognise Israeli military courtLeader of Palestinian left under cruel prison regimeIn last summer two hearings of a Israeli military court took place at the Ofer prison facility in the West Bank to try the secretary general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Ahmed Saadat, the biggest left wing faction.Saadat refused to participate in the proceedings and to recognise the legitimacy of the tribunal as part of the Zionist occupation. The next hearing was announced for Mid January 2007.Observers of the hearings reported that Saadat was brought to the court at early morning and had to wait in a metal container for hours. One could see the signs of the shackles on his arms. In both hearings he … [read more]

Vellykket Irak-seminar tross provokasjoner

Pressemelding fra den norske Komiteen for et fritt Irak- Baker-rapporten dreier seg ikke om ॠredde Irak, men om ॠredde den amerikanske administrasjonen ut av situasjonen de har ført seg selv og det amerikanske folk inn i, sa sjeik Jawad al-Khalisi, en av de mest respekterte sjialederne i Irak, da han talte som en av tre innledere pॠseminaret "Røster fra Irak" i Oslo konserthus lørdag 16. desember.- Vi vet at det norske folket var imot krigen fra første stund og demonstrerte mot den, sa al-Khalisi. - Vi verdsetter den norske gjestfriheten overfor irakere, sjøl om vi dessverre ser at enkelte ikke respekterer den gjestfriheten, sa han.Forsøk pॠॠsabotere møtet Henvisninga til mangel pॠrespekt dreide seg om et 30-talls provokatører som forsøkte ॠødelegge … [read more]

Awni al Kalemji banned from entering Switzerland

Clarification issued by the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA)In the framework of the Iraqi political activity, to advance the cause of our people's national liberation from the yoke of the invaders and achieve independence through the struggle to support the Iraqi national resistance in various ways and means, including free speech, brother Awni al-Kalamji, member of the General Command of the IPA, left Denmark, his state of residence, on the 13th of December 2006 by air to Greece via Zurich to attend the World Rally against the policy of isolation from 15 to 18 December. In the Swiss city of Zurich, before boarding the plane to Greece, while in transit, the Swiss police took his passport and told him that he is banned from entering Switzerland or transit it. After a long detention of five … [read more]

A New Nepal can emerge only by smashing the reactionary state!

Press Release by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) Depositing arms of the PLA under UN supervision would lead to the disarming of the masses!On 5th November the CPN(Maoist) had entered into an agreement with the government of Nepal which stipulated that the PLA would deposit its arms in seven designated cantonments while the government's armed forces too would deposit an equal number of arms. These would be placed under the supervision of a UN monitoring team while the keys of the lockers of PLA arms would be with the Maoist party. It was also agreed by both sides to dissolve the present Parliament and form a new interim Parliament with a share of the seats for the Maoists, to form an interim government with some portfolios for the Maoists, and … [read more]

Krigsmotstånd eller krigskritik?

En kritisk granskning av en skendiskussionav Anders PüschelUSA:s demokratiska parti vann kongressvalet i november pॠmissnöjet med den republikanska Bush-regeringens krig i Irak. Man ska dock inte tro att varesig det demokratiska partiet eller de flesta som röstade pॠdem är principiella motstà¥ndare till den kränkning av Iraks oberoende som ockupationen innebär, och de krigsförbrytelser som den har medfört. De folkliga kraven i USA pॠatt landets trupper ska tas hem bottnar i omsorgen om de amerikanska soldaternas liv och lem mer än i nà¥gra hänsyn till Iraks folk och dess rätt att bestämma själv i sitt eget land. När nu det ena förslaget pॠtrupptillbakadragande efter det andra läggs fram i USA, är de ändॠglädjande som symptom pॠ… [read more]