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Bloody Friday in Assam

A Preliminary Report on the Killing of Innocent Protestors in Tinsukia district (Assam) in February 2006.ByManab Adhikar Sangram Samiti (MASS)The EventOn the February 10, 2006, eight people were killed by bullets of the armed forces and Assam Police at Kakopathar in Tinsukia district of Assam. Six of them were protesters and two were residents of Kakopathar hit by stray bullets from the indiscriminate firing. The protesters were among the thousands of residents that poured out from villages in and around Kakopathar and took to the streets demanding justice for the custodial death of Ajit Mahanta, a 37 years old resident of Dirak Goxaingaon in Kakopathar. Ajit Mahanta was picked up by personnel of the 13th Gorkha Regiment of the Indian Army stationed in the area. The incident took place on … [read more]

Denmark has lost its innocence

by Sven Tarp, International Secretary, Communist Party of Denmark ML, Shakespeare wrote in his famous Hamlet some four centuries ago. The events that have taken place during the last weeks and months show that Shakespeare's words have gained new actuality. We who live in Denmark can confirm that everything is not as it ought to be.According to the modern myth already created, it all started in my home town, the city of Aarhus, on September 30 last year when the national newspaper with a regional name, Jyllands Posten (The Jutland Post), published twelve cartoons that presented an offensive and unilateral image of Mohamed.The official reason for printing the cartoons was, according to the editor-in-chief, to challenge the way freedom of speech is practised in Denmark as it is allegedly … [read more]

"All patriotic Iraqis should return home to liberate their country"

Interview with Abduljabbar al Kubaysi, ex political prisoner of the U.S., general secretary of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA) and mentor of a political front of the Iraqi resistance forces, speaks out on the political prospective of the popular resistance movement against the U.S. occupation of Iraq.Q: What are your comments on the recent [December 2005] elections in Iraq?Like all the other so-called elections staged by the U.S. and its puppets these too were nothing but a farce. They lack any legitimacy as the entire regime is illegitimate and illegal as it is imposed and kept in power by foreign occupation forces. This is why the resistance called for a boycott [of the elections].The electoral campaign aggressively stirred up sectarian strife, which is in the interest of the … [read more]

مسيرة أحتجاج علي الرسوم الكريكاتيرية

. والله لأنصرنك بكل طاقتي مسيرة أحتجاج علي الرسوم الكريكاتيرية التي نشرتها الصحÙ? الدنماركية Ùˆ أعادة نشرها صحÙ? النمسابإذن الله .. غدا السبت : 18 من Ù?براير 2006 الساعة : 15:15 برنامج المسيرة : أوبرا Ù?يينا : التجمع Ùˆ تسليم رسالة إحتجاج … [read more]

Delhi: mass rally in support of Nepali revolution

On 12 February 2006 in Delhi India's capital Nepali Jan Adhikar Suraksha Samithi, India, organised a massive rally on the occasion of the completion of 10 years of Revolutionary people's struggle against monarchy and for establishing a people's Democratic Republic of Nepal and to march forward for developing a socialist society. This is a historic rally where Nepalese from all over India marched through the streets of India's Capital, Delhi, culminating into a massive public meeting in Ramlila Grounds where a number of India democratic and revolutionary parties and organisations expressed the solidarity for the on going revolutionary movement of Nepal. … [read more]

Haló Noviny embarrasses DKP and KPÖ

The 21st Nov 2005 Halà³ Noviny, periodical of the Czech CP, published an interview with Ahmed Karim, one of the Iraq's Patriotic Communists representatives. The published political positions are those already know as they have been spread by the Anti-imperialists for a long while. The new element is that a Communist Party at least gradually moves away from supporting the Iraqi Communist Party, which collaborates intimately with the US occupation forces.Contrary to that the DKP as well as the KPÖ keep on supporting the US occupying power and its jackals. Recently they corroborated that position in a joint resolution dated the 20th Nov. 2005 by which they expressed their solidarity with the Iraqi Communist Party. Whereas the Communist Party of Greece, having been inviting to the … [read more]

WSF Caracas: End occupation of Iraq and Palestine

Statement of the Assembly of the Social Movements, World Social Forum, Venezuela, January 29th 2006 (section on war)The WSF as a body remains unable to take common action. But the meeting in Caracas showed a clear polarisation expressed best by the spectacular speech of Chavez. He called for the formation of an Anti-imperialist Front, warned of the descent of the WSF into folklore and pressed for a concrete plan of action. This is what could be hammered out by the left wing of the WSF. While the Iraqi resistance remains unmentioned it is at least no step back:March 18th: International day of mobilisation against the occupation of Iraq.Against the war and occupations. No more wars. Peace is the only solution.* We demand the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of foreign troops from Iraq … [read more]

"Political leaders of the Iraqi resistance still underground"

Interview with Sheikh Majeed Al-Gaood, leader of the "Iraqi Flame" and spokesman of the "Patriotic, National & Islamic Front"1) Can you describe the role of the "Iraqi Flame" as well as of the project of the "Patriotic, National & Islamic Front"?WAHAJ is the closest Political Movement to the agents of the armed Iraqi resistance men, as it works hardly to clarify the methods of the resistance, her legitimacy, her point of view and also to distinguish between her and terrorism that occupation forces are trying to tarnish her with. WAHAJ has his own Agenda which will be used in the proper time, not to mention his main target in expulsing the occupation forces no matter the sacrifices are.2) What do you think of the elections of December 15? We refuse the Political Process as a whole because … [read more]

Motstanden i Irak ved et veiskille

av Lars Akerhaug, styremedlem i Komiteen for et fritt IrakOpprinnelig publisert i Den massive oppslutningen ved valgene 15. desember i provinsene i det sà¥kalte sunnitriangelet, har ført til at USA snakker om en stor seier. Men oppslutningen kan ikke forklares pॠnoen annen mà¥te enn at viktige deler av motstandsbevegelsen gikk inn for ॠdelta i valgspillet for ॠfॠinn sॠmange representanter som mulig i nasjonalforsamlingen. Dette rimer ogsॠmed strategien som ble fulgt i folkeavstemningen om grunnloven, der motstandsbevegelsen oppfordret folk til ॠgॠtil urnene for ॠstemme nei. Uten valgjukset som fant sted i flere av provinsene, som Niniwa, er mulighetene store for at nei-siden ville fà¥tt et flertall mot loven. Politisk og … [read more]

Defy McCarthyism, support Iraqi resistance!

from Freedom Socialist newspaper, Vol. 27, No. 1IN A DECEMBER 26 ARTICLE, "Harlem Radicals Probed," the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid New York Post alleges, without substantiation, that the Freedom Socialist Party is under federal investigation because of its solidarity with Iraqis resisting the U.S. occupation. Reporter Niles Lathem falsely implies that this support extends to the tactics of the minority of the rebellion who employ terrorism. The point of this vague threat and sloppy smear can only be to frighten off other potential supporters of Iraqis fighting for their basic right of national independence. THE FSP IS PROUD TO BE on the side of Iraqi trade unionists, feminists, unemployed workers, and professionals — in fact, the majority of Iraqis — who oppose the … [read more]

The Founding Conference of the Resistant Arab People's Alliance

InvitationTowards A Resistant Arab People's AllianceIn continuation of the preparatory meeting which was held in Cairo in March 2005, and to the ongoing dialogue about the necessity of forming a coordination body for the principled Arab activists and organizations who oppose defeatist and opportunist positions, and who are in confrontation with the Imperialist and Zionist projects, and are dedicated to the interests of the people; this is an open call for participating in:The Founding Conference of the Resistant Arab People's AllianceOn the following basis that was the product of the preparatory meeting:By comprehending the nature of the struggle in the Arab Homeland, and for the confrontation of the Imperialist and Zionist attacks on our Arab countries, and due to the increase of … [read more]

Irish nationalists support Hamas

Statement of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement (Ireland)32CSM congratulates Hamas on their electoral victoryThe 32 County Sovereignty Movement (Ireland) extends its continued solidarity and comradeship to Hamas, and congratulates them on their great victory in the recent Palestinian elections.We now call on world leaders, who have been so quick to talk of 'democracy in the middle east', to respect the rights and wishes of the Palestinian people who have now made their voices heard.We further urge both the European Union and the United States to desist from their hypocritical outbursts in threatening to withdraw aid from the Palestinian people. We say "hypocritical" because, as so many already know, at the same time Britain and the USA continue to supply the Israeli State with millions of … [read more]

Iraqi elections turn against their masters

Anti-occupation anti-constitution forces display strengthAlso after a month of presumable intensive bargaining the electoral commission could not announce a result which would please the different Iraqi factions as well as the occupier. Despite countless claims of fraud a significant part of the contested seats goes to forces which not only oppose the US occupation (in Iraq nobody can openly support the occupation) but also to those who refuse the constitution dividing the country into three entities. Actually the real puppet forces of Allawi and Chalabi were reduced to a tiny minority. Despite all shouts of victory the US cannot record a significant step towards stabilisation.1What is true is that the Iraqi people is at least for the time being organised alongside the three entities of … [read more]

If the people is not in power there will be no change

First report from the Social Forum and the Bolivarian Camp in VenezuelaOn January 24 the Polycentric World Social Forum of Caracas began. Simultaneously several Bolivarian rank and file organisations like the National Peasant Front Ezequiel Zamora, the Collective Alexis Vive, the Popular Coordination of Caracas, anti-imperialist movements from different countries, among them the Anti-imperialist Camp, are holding an International Bolivarian Camp dedicated to break the chains of imperialism.The streets of Caracas are full with anti-globalisation activists as we know it from earlier Social Forum mega events. The Forum of Caracas is characterised by the question which position the "social movements" should take in front of the new centre left government in Latin America. Among the galaxy of … [read more]

We congratulate Hamas for its victory!

Palestinian people refuse collaboration with Zionist occupationThe great electoral victory of Hamas is first of all a clear message by the Palestinian people to the world: we will never give up our resistance against the occupation! The anti-imperialists of the world salute this steadfastness in a struggle David against Goliath. It will without doubt strengthen the global struggle against the threat of the US empire and its permanent war.The beaten Fatah represents first of all the Oslo agreements which legitimated Israel in return for the void promise of a separate Palestinian state - which Zionism never had the slightest intention to concede. What eventually came out is the ugly monster of the Palestinian Authority openly collaborating with Israel and thereby enriching itself to … [read more]

Chirac tops US warmongering against Iran

EU elites in perfect harmony with American EmpireFrench president Chirac could not find a more symbolic place than an atomic submarine to threat Iran with nuclear strikes if she would harm French national interest. Virtually nothing remains of the European elites' would-be opposition to the aggression on Iraq and the US imperial re-design of the world -- only that Chirac tries to cry even louder than his masters in Washington knowing well that an attack for "regime chance" will need the superior US war machine. This verbal brinkmanship should cover up for the fact that they tail the US crusade against the next "rogue state" in the visor. And also chancellor Merkel made it clear in her inaugural visit to Washington that Germany will participate in the war drive against Persia.It is obvious … [read more]

Spielberg on Munich - Celebration of the Israeli Killing Machine

or the humanization of Israeli killers and the dehumanization of Palestinian civiliansby As'ad Abu KhalilAnd who is retaliating against whom in the Arab-Israeli conflict? THIS is the question. It reminds me of a line that George Carlin—yes, that Carlin—used to use in his comedy routine and went roughly like this: "why do "we" call Israeli terrorists commandos, and we call Palestinian commandos terrorists?" That line never got a laugh the two times I saw him use it with a live audience. The thrust of the Spielberg movie is simple, fanfare notwithstanding: Israeli killers are conscientious and humane people, while Palestinians are always--no matter what--killers. But a Spielberg movie about current affairs is like a Thomas Friedman's column about…Emanuel … [read more]

Elections, Democracy and the Right of Return of Palestinian Refugees

by Palestinian Committee for the Right of ReturnAppeal to All Palestinians and Supporters of Democratic Rights(Appeal Issued by the Palestinian Committee for the Right of Return - French section)Elections, Democracy and the Right of Return of Palestinian RefugeesOn January 25, 2006, elections to the Palestinian Legislative Council will take place. This Council was created by the Oslo Accords of 1993 with the purpose of establishing a Palestinian Authority.According to these Oslo Accords - as per the will of the occupation force, that is, the state of Israel -- only Palestinians living in the territories occupied since 1967 -- Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem (an estimated 1.8 million people) will have the right to vote for the candidates of their choice in these elections.Prior to the … [read more]


Chà¨res amies, Chers amis, Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à  une soirà©e exceptionnelle le jeudi soir 23 fà©vrier à  Paris, à  l'occasion d'un GRAND MEETING sur le thà¨me "NON A LA COLONISATION, EN PALESTINE COMME AILLEURS, AUJOURD'HUI COMME HIER", en prà©sence de personnalità©s que nous sommes trà¨s heureux d'accueillir en France, parmi lesquelles: ... - AZMI BISHARA, dà©putà© à  la Knesset et dirigeant du parti "Balad" - ILAN PAPPE, historien et enseignant à  Haïfa - HASSIB NASHASHIBI, militant pour les droits de l'Homme à  Jà©rusalem-Est - MANALE TAMIMI, fondatrice et responsable de l'association "Human Supporters Group" à  Naplouse - YOUSSEF HAJI, fondateur et responsable de "Darna", la Maison des Associations de … [read more]

Greetings from Russia to Bolivarian Venezuela

by Anti-Globalist ResistanceDear comrades,We wish you success in the activity of the Bolivarian Camp.Our alliance "Anti-Globalist Resistance" (Russia) looks with hope at the attempts of people of Latin America to pave the way to the better life. The President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez was proclaimed "The Anti-Globalist of Year 2005" by our supporters. Our website translates the news from Latin America into Russian. We hope, our solidarity will do away with "the new world order", with northamerican … [read more]