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Cry from Niniveh

Statement of the Council of Nineveh Province Notables, Sheikhs and UleimaIn the Name of God the Compassionate and Merciful A memorandum from Nineveh Province Dignitaries, Sheikhs and Uleima to:General Secretary of the United NationsGeneral Secretary of the League of Arab NationsGeneral Secretary of the Organisation of Islamic StatesKings and Presidents of the Arab and Islamic StatesAll Humanitarian and Human Rights Organisations In the light of the difficult circumstance that our country and people in general and the Province of Nineveh in particular are going through, a number of dignitaries and tribal chiefs from the Nineveh Province have met to discuss the tragic condition of the people of the Province under the shadow of the deficiency and absence of legislative and executive … [read more]

US press attacks Freedom Socialists for support to Iraqi resistance and Anti-imperialist Camp

Solidarity declaration by the Anti-imperialist Camp and statement by Freedom Socialist Party in response to New York Post article: "Harlem Radicals Probed"Solidarity with to brave US Freedom SocialistsThe US Freedom Socialists are one of the few remaining forces in the US itself that have the courage to insist on the consequent defence of the elementary democratic rights which are being rapidly eroded by the US terror war.The right to national self-determination is the most basic principle of democracy. The war on and the subsequent occupation of Iraq is a clear violation of this right. Therefore the resistance (including the armed one) to the US occupation troops in Iraq is not only legitimate but must be supported by all true democrats. Furthermore this is being backed by the charter of … [read more]

The Iranian Left & the Iraq War

by Iranian-American Community (IACUS)A glance at websites and newspapers of many Iranian "left" groups residing outside the country, gives one little impression that Iran's neighboring country, Iraq, is in a state of war and occupation by the US Empire. There seems to be little concern among Iran's traditional left about the United States' intentions to take over and control Middle East's oil resources. The neoconservative "Project for the New American Century (PNAC)" signifies little (if anything) to many of Iran's left groups (1). Some, even, under the pretext of fighting fundamentalist Islamists(2), indirectly cheer the American incursion into Afghanistan and Iraq. In reality, however, Iraq is a mirror reflecting the many flaws and shortcomings of the left in the Middle East.Some in … [read more]

Jabbar al Kubaysi freed: "US accused me to mobilise the world against them"

Secretary General of Iraqi Patriotic Alliance released by US armyAbdeljabbar al Kubaysi, the secretary general of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, has been released along with other high profile political prisoners in Iraq. He had been kidnapped on September 3, 2004, by US forces in Baghdad and transferred to the special prison at the airport.In his first statement today Jabbar reported about the inhumane treatment by the US army. The first ten days he was kept in a box of less than 70 cm width with his arms and legs completely cuffed and his eyes blind-folded. He was continuously interrogated and deprived of any sleep. Any movement resulted in self-injury. For the ensuing five months he still was kept in a small box in total isolation. The food was so poor … [read more]

Jabbar al Kubaysi freed: "US accused me to mobilise the world against them"

Secretary General of Iraqi Patriotic Alliance released by US armyAbdeljabbar al Kubaysi, the secretary general of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, has been released along with other high profile political prisoners in Iraq. He had been kidnapped on September 3, 2004, by US forces in Baghdad and transferred to the special prison at the airport.In his first statement today Jabbar reported about the inhumane treatment by the US army. The first ten days he was kept in a box of less than 70 cm width with his arms and legs completely cuffed and his eyes blind-folded. He was continuously interrogated and deprived of any sleep. Any movement resulted in self-injury. For the ensuing five months he still was kept in a small box in total isolation. The food was so poor … [read more]

Iraq: the resistance at a turning point

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp on the occasion of the Iraqi elections of December 15, 20051) The massive turnout at the elections of December 15, 2005, in the provinces of the so-called Sunni Triangle (euphemism for the vast areas substantially controlled by the resistance and inhabited by 40% of the population) have caused the US and its hack writers to chant victory. They speak of a glamorous defeat of the guerrilla.2) Actually the large participation must be explained not despite but because of the call by substantial parts of the resistance to enter the electoral theatre in order to have elected as many as possible delegates to the National Assembly.3) This decision follows the one adopted at the occasion of the October referendum on the constitution, i.e. to go to … [read more]

انتخابات مزورة وبرلمان باطل

ÙƒÙ?ايــه - الحركة المصرية من أجل … [read more]

Den politiskt korrekta elitens krokodiltårar

Deklaration angà¥ende den iranske presidenten Ahmadinejads uttalanden och den västerländska reaktionen pॠdemIrans president Ahmadinejad har genom sina senaste uttalanden om Förintelsen och sitt krav pॠen judisk stat pॠtyskt och österrikiskt territorium ännu en gà¥ng gjort den samlade västvärlden upprörd. Intressant nog verkar därvidlag idà©n om en "omplacering" av Israel till Europa sätta känslorna i starkare svallning än presidentens Förintelseförnekelse. Hur förstà¥eligt det än är att vilja avvisa försöken att förneka judeförintelsen under nazitiden, är ändॠkravet begripligt att de stater som är ansvariga för Förintelsen egentligen skulle upplà¥ta sitt eget territorium till en judisk stat istället för att stödja Israels stöld av … [read more]

Med folket i Syria mot den amerikanske aggresjonen

av Lars Akerhaug, DamaskusI dag er Syria omringet pॠalle mulige mà¥ter. USA presser pॠfra Libanon og Irak og gjennom Israel, Libanesiske fraksjoner trapper opp konflikten med Syria samtidig som den politiske ledelsen i landet har problemer med hvordan de skal takle sine nye vanskeligheter. Likevel har ikke Syria akkurat kokt denne høsten. Eller som en utvandret venn til et europeisk land sa pॠhjemmevisitt: "I Europa sॠsnakker vi alle om situasjonen, men her er det ingen som gjør det". En annen ung student sa nylig, i frustrasjon over den allmenne situasjonen at "livet er hardt her. Và¥re egne problemer er store nok". Men fredag 11. november var det klimaskifte. Den syriske presidenten, Bashar al-Assad, sa i sin tale til nasjonen at Syria … [read more]

CPs declare support to collaborationist Iraqi CP

By Carsten Kofoed, Danish Committee for a Free Iraq�Communist� parties declare their support for the treacherous Iraqi Communist PartyChairman of the Iraqi Communist Party, Hamid Majid Mousa, enjoying the company of US administrator of Iraq, Paul BremerIn Athens, the annual international meeting of so-called Communist and Workers� parties was held November 18-20. Seventy-three parties participated in the event hosted by the Communist Party of Greece, one of the major and leading parties of the former pro-Soviet current in the Communist movement.A resolution on Iraq was adopted, which declares full support for the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP). The resolution states:�� we are now supporting the complex struggle of the progressive forces, and in particular the … [read more]

US keeps denying use of white phosphorous against Iraq

Talk of troop withdrawal void propagandaThe US embassy in Italy and military denied the use of white phosphorous (November 8, 2005), "To claim that American forces have used white phosphorous against human simply incorrect" in the battle of Fallujah; however, it has now been uncovered that in the US military "Field Artillery" magazine of March-April 2005, US combat forces reported using white phosphorous in "Shake and Bake missions." The Field Artillery journal states "used white phosphorous to flush out insurgents, then fired High Explosive shells to kill them."What's the truth? The above quotation taken from the US "Field Artillery" is proof positive that white phosphorous has been and continues to be used despite statements to the contrary.Based on a conversation with a … [read more]

Stop Bush's war against civil rights and civil liberties!

Dr. Sami Al-Arian found not guiltyDemand his immediate release!The government failed in its attempt to gain a conviction in any of the 51 charges against Dr. Sami Al-Arian. We join with people around the country in demanding that he be released immediately.In a significant blow to the Bush/Ashcroft/Gonzalez assault on civil rights and civil liberties, especially against Arab and Muslim people and political activists in the U.S., on Tuesday, December 6 a jury acquitted Dr. Sami Al-Arian of the key charges leveled against him by the Justice Department. The jury deadlocked on other charges. Dr. Al-Arian has been an outspoken supporter of the Palestinian people's right to live free from occupation and is a political target of the U.S. government and the right wing.In 2003, the Bush … [read more]

Interview with Luz Perly Cordoba

Leader of Arauca Farmers' Association and former Colombian political prisonerHow is the general situation of the farmers' movement in Arauca, which led to the persecution of its leaders, including yourself and other comrades?Arauca has about 300 thousand inhabitants, 70% of whom live in rural areas. In Arauca, there are great direct interests of the USA and of the Colombian state. We have one of the longest borders with Venezuela, and the USA is obviously interested in using Colombia as a platform for aggression against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and its democratic process. Actually, there are about 300 US soldiers stationed in the department of Arauca who are carrying out counter-insurrection operations. However there are also oil interests involved. Arauca has one of the … [read more]

Czech govt to ban Communist Youth

Request for solidarityWe are writing to inform you of the latest attack of state power � the Home Office of the Czech Republic � against the Communist Union of Youth (Komunisticky svaz mladeze, KSM) - a member organization of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) - and against the communist movement in general in the Czech Republic.The Ministry of Interior has sent a warning and precept, in which it:1. impugns the status of the KSM as a civic association under pretext that the goals of KSM�s activity interfere with an area restricted to activities of political parties that is, according to the interpretation of the Home Office of the Czech Republic, excluded from the intervention of civic associations. Nevertheless the KSM does not differ in this area from the … [read more]

حوارات" مشبوهة Ù?ÙŠ Ù?يينا"

قلم رصاص - ,العدد 3 - نادي Ù?لسطين العربيعلى ما يبدو Ù?إن الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية قد بدأت تستخلص العبر بعد حالة الاختناق الذي يعاني منها النظام العالمي الجديد وتعيد النظر Ù?ÙŠ استراتيجياتها. الحرب الباردة انتهت بمرحلة … [read more]

عريضة مقدÙ'مة للسيدة بلازنيك وزيره خارجية النمسا

! إمنحوا الحاج علي صالح عبّاس تأشيرة الدخولعريضة مقدّمة للسيدة بلازنيك وزيره خارجية النمسالا تسلبوا ضحايا التعذيب قي سجن أبي غريب حق التعبير أيضا !إمنحوا الحاج علي صالح عبّاس تأشيرة الدخول! الحاج علي (علي صالح عباس) هو … [read more]

وثيقة نادي Ù?لسطين العربي المقدمة إلى مؤتمر جنيÙ? التحضي

نادي Ù?لسطين العربي- Ù?ييناوثيقة نادي Ù?لسطين العربي المقدمة إلى مؤتمر جنيÙ? التحضيري للجاليات والÙ?عاليات الÙ?لسطينية Ù?ÙŠ الشتاتماذا نعني بجالية Ù?لسطينية Ù?اعلة؟يدور الحديث Ù?ÙŠ الآونة الأخيرة مجددا حول تÙ?عيل أو إعادة إحياء … [read more]


Notiziario del Campo Antimperialista ... 4 dicembre 2005 ...Il 5 Dicembre alle ore 9.00 presso il tribunale di Pisa, si svolgera' un presidio di solidarieta' con gli imputati del processo sulle cosiddete COR.Il processo vede tra gli altri imputati il militante del Campo Antimperialista Willi Frediani (tutt'ora agli arresti domiciliari) a cui va, assieme a quello per gli altri, tutto il nostro affetto.Il 7 dicembre a Firenze, alle ore 18,30, presso il Teatro del Circolo SMS San Quirico (Via Pisana 576), in occasione del centesimo anniversario della fondazionede della casa del Popolo, si terra' un Incontro con l'On. Dacia Valent, Sherif El Sebaie, collaboratore de Il manifesto e Miguel Martinez - Promuovono: Islamic Anti-Defanation League, Legittima Dofesa, Movimento Laidelle donne arabe, … [read more]

NDFP denounces EU "Terrorist Listing" of the CPP, NPA and NDFP Chief Political Consultant

National Executive CommitteeNational Democratic Front of the Philippines3 December 2005The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) denounces in the strongest terms the continued unjust and malicious listing of the New People's Army (NPA) and the NDFP Chief Political Consultant as well as the recent inclusion of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) in the so-called terrorist blacklist of the Council of the European Union (EU).This listing is contrary to fundamental democratic principles as well as pertinent international conventions including the 1977 Protocol I Additional to the 1949 Geneva Conventions, the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). It blatantly violates the 1950 European … [read more]

U.S. fails to quell support for Iraqi resistance in Italy

By Freedom Socialists, USAReproduced from Freedom Socialist Newspaper, Vol. 26, No. 6. Dec. 2005 …­ Jan. 2006www.socialism.comDespite big-time bullying from the imperial USA, leftists in Europe have been vigorously defending Iraqis' right to resist U.S. occupation for years. Especially active are the Anti-Imperialist Camp, headquartered in Assisi, Italy, and the Free Iraq Committees, a coalition that includes the Camp.Rabid terrorist-baiting, diplomatic pressure on Italian politicians, false arrests and the like have not stopped these activists from raising their voices, fundraising, holding conferences and marching in solidarity with Iraqi insurgents.The Free Iraq Committees had planned to hold a conference called "Leave Iraq in Peace — Support the Legitimate Resistance of the … [read more]