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من أجل حزب اشتراكي جديد مشروع خطوط برنامجيه

الاشتراكيين المصريين من أجل حزب اشتراكي جديد مشروع خطوط برنامجيه ********************** بداية :-الآن بلادنا حبلى بالتغيير Ù?ÙŠ زمن جديد وصعب محلياً وعالمياً . ومن تحت ركام لحظات التراجع والانكسار تخرج قوي مقاومة حقيقية ضد الاستبداد … [read more]

رئيس المعارضة الإيطالية يرÙ?ض تلقÙ'ÙŠ رسالة المعارضة الع

لجان العراق الحرّ - إيطاليايخاÙ? حتى من رسالةرئيس المعارضة الإيطالية يرÙ?ض تلقّي رسالة المعارضة العراقيةكمنظمي المؤتمر التضامني "مع المقاومة العراقية من أجل سلام عادل" كلّÙ?نا بإيصال رسالة إلى قائد المعارضة … [read more]

ندعو لحركة شارع تنقذنا من تكلÙ?Ø© دم نرÙ?ضها.

الحركة المصرية من اجل التغيير (ÙƒÙ?ايهندعو لحركة شارع تنقذنا من تكلÙ?Ø© دم نرÙ?ضها. الحركة المصرية من اجل التغيير لا للتمديد… لا للتوريث… باطــل (ÙƒÙ?ايه)بيان للضمير المصري تدرك الحركة المصرية من أجل التغيير "ÙƒÙ?ايــه" أن … [read more]

French Banlieu youth has all right to revolt

The last ten days were marked by a powerful spontaneous revolt of the oppressed and poor youth in the suburbs, most of them of migrant origin.Despite ferocious repression their could not be stopped so far. On the contrary it keeps spreading.While Interior minister Sarkozy tries to drown the ghettos of the poor in blood according to the experience of his US masters, also the "left liberal" press is denouncing the revolt and crying about the burnt cars of modest people. They advice to use the sacred means of French republicanism that is to say to cast their ballots for the official left.But the outburst of popular anger is exactly an expression that the poor migrant youth has no perspective within neo-liberal capitalism let alone can defend their interests by the middle class census … [read more]

Solidarity with the Iranian defiance to subordinate to the US empire!

For one democratic state in whole PalestineThe call of Iran's president Ahmadinejad to wipe Israel off the map did not only evoke the expectable Zionist protests. This time they could drag behind the entire European establishment including the corporate media. The latter omitted that Ahmadinejad did nothing more than to refer the classical anti-Zionist position of the Palestinian liberation movement which does neither aggress Jews nor oppose the Jewish presence in Palestine altogether but does question the racist Jewish separate state Israel. On the other hand the often very small (pro)Zionist demonstration have been reported as if it would be official announcements.The anti-Iranian mobilisation in Europe results in a net success for the US war drive which for years has been launching a … [read more]

The visa for Haj Ali must be issued

Declaration by Mauro Palma** Mr Palma is the Italian representative within the European Committee for Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or PunishmentOne activity to prevent torture and other forms of maltreatment of persons deprived of liberty is doubtlessly to make the phenomenon known. These sad and cruel practices, far away from being overcome, must be exposed in their particular context, in their aims and their effects. Only knowing about torture its refusal can be built, consolidated as well as the conviction of the absolute necessity to prohibit it strengthened.Giving back voice to the victims, helping them to reconstruct their drama, listening to them, is part of their recovery because it gives them the possibility to find some usefulness within the … [read more]

26 representatives of Iraqi opposition to occupation address Prodi

Future Italian prime minister refuses to receive letterFrightened even by a letterItalian's future prime minister Prodi refused to receive letter by Iraqi oppositionAs organisers of the international conference "For a just peace - with the Iraqi Resistance" we have had the mandate to hand over a letter to Romano Prodi, leader of the Italian opposition, written by 26 Iraqi organisations and personalities representing by and large the forces against the occupation.The signatories of the letter directly address Prodi as future prime minister in order to "launch a constructive and fundamental dialogue within the political elite about the moral responsibility of your country following the ongoing Iraqi tragedy, which is a consequence of the American occupation".We intended with the letter to … [read more]

أغلقوا معتقل غوانتانامو

اللجنة العربية لحقوق الإنسان - Ù?يوليت داغرالدكتورة Ù?يوليت داغرأغلقوا معتقل غوانتاناموÙ?ÙŠ 22 يناير 2002ØŒ تقدمت المÙ?وضية السامية لحقوق الإنسان بطلب رسمي لزيارة معتقل غوانتانامو، إثر طلبات توجهت لها من المنظمات غير … [read more]

Basque political prisoner found hanged in his cell

Protest by human rights associationsBody of Basque prisoner Altzuguren has now arrived in Vera de Bidasoa this afternoonThe corpse of the Basque prisoner, who was found hanged at a Spain's jail on Monday, will arrive in his hometown at 3:30 pm, where his acquaintances will pay homage to Altzuguren. Besides, association pro-Basque politics' prisoners Askatasuna will demonstrate in Pamplona/Iruña to condemn this incident, at 1:00 pm in front of headquarters of Conservative PSN and at 7:00 pm in front of headquarters of Basque Socialist PSE-EE in Bilbao, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Donostia-San Sebastian and in front of headquarters of French Conservative UMP in Baiona (Bayonne).Jose Angel Altzuguren Perurena, aka Kotto, who was serving a sentence due to his links with armed group ETA, was found … [read more]

استمرار إضراب تونس.. وعودة للمعارضين أثناء قمة المعلومØ

سليم بوخذير يوم ثلاثاء, 01/11/2005 - 18:20.بقلم:سليم بوخذير الأطباء قلقون على صحة أحد المعارضين استمرار إضراب تونس.. وعودة للمعارضين أثناء قمة المعلومات. قالت مصادر طبية تونسية لـ"العربية.نت"ØŒ إن الحالة الصحية للمضرب عن الطعام … [read more]

عبد الحليم قنديل ..وحكم مبارك

العرب18/10/2005 04:19:51 ظ… عبد الحليم قنديل ..وحكم مباركÙ?يينا-عقد العضو المؤسس Ù?Ù‰ حركة المعارضة المصرية"ÙƒÙ?اية" ندوة صحÙ?ية يوم 6 أكتوبر 2005ØŒ وقدّم محاضرة بÙ?يينا،بتنظيم وإشراÙ? نادى Ù?لسطين العربى والتحالÙ? المعادى للإمبريالية.وقد بعثت … [read more]

أعظم خيانة Ù„Ù?كرة الجبهة الوطنية أن تصور كأنها مجرد تحاÙ

عبد الحليم قنديلأعظم خيانة Ù„Ù?كرة الجبهة الوطنية أن تصور كأنها مجرد تحالÙ? انتخابي، Ù?لم تكن الجبهة كذلك Ù?Ù‰ Ù?كر الذين بادروا إليها، وقد كان لى مع غيرى من قادة حركةكÙ?اية شرÙ? المبادرة بالاتصالات الأولي، وكان لاستجابات د. … [read more]

إيران تثأر Ù„Ù?لسطين

عبد الستار قاسم28/10/2005إيران تثأر Ù„Ù?لسطينالبروÙ?يسور عبد الستار قاسمهب المعتدون من أهل الغرب بشراسة Ù?ÙŠ وجه الرئيس الإيراني لقوله بأنه يجب إزالة إسرائيل من خريطة العالم. Ù?رنسا وأمريكا وبريطانيا ودول كثيرة أخرى عبرت عن … [read more]

بيان الدعوة إلى معسكر البوليÙ?اري المناهض للإمبريالية Ù

المعسكر البوليÙ?اري المناهض للإمبرياليةÙ?يما يلي ترجمة لبيان المعسكر البوليÙ?اري المناهض للإمبريالية:المعسكر البوليÙ?اري المناهض للإمبريالية - Ù?نزويلا، :كانون الثاني (يناير) 20061. ما هو المعسكر البوليÙ?اري المناهض … [read more]

Mosul Shura Council denounces fraud in referendum

In a statement dated Oct 26, 2005, the Shura Council of Mosuk denounces the foregone referendum and says that its results have been fabricated by the collaborationist government and the US.According to the statement, the real results were four Iraqi provinces with over 2/3 'no' majority (Anbar, Salahaldin, Nineveh and Baqouba), and several other provinces and cities with 'no' in the 40%s (Baghdad, Basra, Kirkuk, et al).The statement demands a poll repeat in Nineveh under international supervision (from countries not involved in the occupation) and in three weeks from now. Unless this demand is met, the statement calls on all patriotic Iraqis and political blocs to boycott the coming general election, scheduled for December.Interesting about the statement is also its rhetoric. It is … [read more]

US forces arrest assistant of Sheikh Khalisi

Why... American forces arrest assistant of Sheikh Khalisi in Kazhamia!American forces assisted by forces from the interior departement attacked explosevly manner today the residence of Hasj Majed Hussein al-obeidi, after breaking into the shia area that he lives in and after destroying doors and windows around ind the neighbourhood. And neither his neighbours was not safe from the aggression. Obeidi is one of the companions of shaykh Jawad-al-khalisi, the general secretary of the Iraqi Foundation Congress against the occupation.As well, the occupation forces has detained the half brother of al-obeidi as well as his sister in this attack. And as usual neither the Americans nor the elements in the interior ministry that works under their command did offer any explanation at the breakthrough … [read more]

Iraqi referendum: massive fraud steals No

Push Shia anti-occupation forces to boycott elections of Dec 15Illegal and illegitimateAny evaluation has first to re-iterate that the referendum held by the occupation forces is illegal according to international law. An occupying power is not allowed to change the institutional set-up of the occupied territory. The approval of the referendum by the UN once and again shows that it is either an instrument of imperialism or does not exist.No "democratic standards" whatsoever where met by the vote, something the US and their allies usually use against governments not complying to their dictate. Firstly, of all a vote under the bayonets of foreign occupation soldiers can never be free. Secondly, the voters' lists - as already for the fake elections of January 2005 -- were not based on the … [read more]

المركز الثقاÙ?ÙŠ العربي النمساوي ينظم لقاءً لبحث أبعاد Ùˆ

Ù?يّنا-النمسا Ù?ÙŠ 25-10-2005 المركز الثقاÙ?ÙŠ العربي النمساوي ينظم لقاءً لبحث أبعاد وآÙ?اق حركات التضامن مع القضية الÙ?لسطينيةÙ?ÙŠ الرابع والعشرين من شهر تشرين الأول ( أكتوبر) قام المركز الثقاÙ?ÙŠ العربي النمساوي (عكاظ) بالتعاون مع … [read more]

A Venezuelai forradalmi baloldal Európában

Josà© del Carmen Alvarado, Guasdualito (a kolumbiai határ mellett fekszik) polgármesterà©nek látogatásaAmià³ta Hugo Chávez Frà­as-t megválasztották elnöknek 1998-ban, Venezuela lett a legdinamikusabb hely Latin-Amerikában. A bolivári forradalom hatással van a nemzeti szuverenitásà©rt à©s a szociális egyenlÅ‘sà©gà©rt folytatott harcra. A venezuelai elnök antiimperialista orientácià³ja hamarosan az USA cà©lpontjává válik, aki fà©l, hogy elveszà­ti a fÅ‘ nyersolaj beszállà­tà³ját.LegfÅ‘kà©ppen a Kolumbiai határ melletti rà©già³ban, Apure szövetsà©ges államban vannak konfliktusok a rà©gi kiskirályi hatalom à©s nemzetközi támogatà³i à©s a bolivári mozgalom között. Kolumbia az egyik legfÅ‘bb szövetsà©gese az … [read more]

Ù?تح وما أدراك ما هي Ù?تح .. مات الملك عاش الملك

نضال حمد - اوسلوÙ?تح وما أدراك ما هي Ù?تح .. مات الملك عاش الملك نضال حمد - اوسلوليست الخلاÙ?ات داخل حركة Ù?تح ببسيطة،انها خلاÙ?ات اكبر من كل التوقعات ولن يتم حلها سوى بتحديد موقÙ? من الجهات المختلÙ?Ø© بحق بعضها البعض. ويقال أن خط … [read more]